chapter 5

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ZARA HAD LOST consciousness a few times before

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ZARA HAD LOST consciousness a few times before. By second time she learned that the first sense that returned was hearing, shortly followed by smell. Then came touch and lastly vision. Taste- she wasn't sure.

So when she regained conciousness, the first thing that registered in her brain were voices. They were coming from a short distance and they seemed to be whispering.

"Shouldn't she be awake by now?" A young voice asked, sounding worried.

"She should be Tino." Another voice murmured, sounding just as worried.

"Yeah, but some dumbass decided to add more concentration of drug than necessary." A third voice growled, sounding angry.

"Tino didn't know she had nothing to eat, Ben. Thats the only thing delaying her recovery. No matter how small the concentration had been, it would have taken her time to wake up." The second voice said, trying to soothe the third one.

"So you are telling me that it didn't matter how much drug he added? Stop defending him, Fedele!" The third voice snapped.

"I mean it did matter but.." The second voice continued mumblimg but Zara had stopped listening.

She was laying on something soft, the surface cool and smooth. Something was inserted in her arm, disturbing her when she moved it and a small weight was on her chest, moving.

She let out a silent groan and opened her eyes, blinking a couple times to get her vision to clear. When it did, she found herself staring at curtains that covered her bed from one side. The bed she was laying in looked strangely like a hospital one. When she looked to the left, she found her arm hooked to an IV drip. The small weight on her chest moved when she did, and she found herself staring into Nugget's small eyes.

"Where am I, Nugget?" She whispered, her voice croaky and her memory blank. Where was she?

Nugget, obviously not capable of answering, just stared at her wide eyed before he scrambled upwards, towards her face, and touched his pointy nose to hers as if asking 'are you okay?'

A silent chuckle left her,"I am okay, Nug." She assured her small pet and watched as the animal made its way to the crook between her neck and shoulder, settling there.

Zara tried to sit up but found the IV restricting her moments. She looked at the tube in irritation and plucked it out of her arm in one move.

Taking support of the mattress, she tried to sit up but a grunt left her lips when her arm slipped. When did she become so weak?

The grunt, unfortunately, alerted the people on the other side of the curtain and their conversation stopped. A moment later the curtain was snatched back and three people rushed in, holding looks of utter relief on their faces.

Zara squinted to see their faces and realised that she recognized them. With a start, all her memories returned. Seven strange men in her living room, Riley, Mr. Smith, DNA test, water.

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