chapter 33

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a/n: okay, I have come out of hiding. Hi, hello, how are you. Thank you for cooperating and waiting.

Now, where did I go? Well, firstly I had papers (don't ask) and then I got addicted with a colour filling game and day or night I was on that app, filling away colours by numbers- click click click.

And if one obsession wasn't bad enough, my friend recommended Death Note and I took it upon myself to finish it in a handful of days. And of course, then I had to spend a day mulling over it and going through every possible video on youtube regarding the series.

Rest of the time was spent on homework (ugh) and youtube. In fact, I was doing just that- religiously scrolling through youtube and watching random videos (I dOn'T dO mY mAkEuP eVeRyDaY lmao) when I got a very inspirational message from Abcdefghishy that prompted me to close youtube and start editing. It really got my bones moving.

So please, ma'am, refrain from taking my refrigerator. My ice cream is in there, love. I can't lose it.

That's all, I guess. Hope you enjoy lol xx

SHE WAS ON server duty today. Fun.

Henry, the owner, was a nice guy and In The Mix was a well-loved shop. Customers entered and exited every few minutes and the majority of the seating area was always occupied. Despite all of this, the man always seemed short of staff.

So Zara sometimes helped in the serving if the second batch had been baked early for the day. He paid her extra and she was content serving people. It was a win-win situation.

Today was no different. She had just served a lovely couple their lemon cake when the bell above the door chimed, alerting her of a new presence.

She looked around for any other server but when she found none, she extracted her notepad from the half apron she was wearing. Henry was a lenient man and allowed them to wear their own clothing as long as its clean. The only thing differentiating the servers from customers was the half apron.

She turned around, ready to greet them and take their orders but froze in her tracks once she saw who had just entered the shop.

"What the fuck?" She muttered and stalked up to the three idiots who had already found themselves a table and were casually opening the menu, comfortably spread out in their seats.

"What the fuck are you three doing here?" She questioned once she reached Ben, Tino and Sil's table.

They all looked up though only Ben made eye contact with her. The other two were looking anywhere but her. They had yet to apologize for today's prank, unlike Raph who had apologized the moment she had exited the room (she forgave him). But then again, they were at school and she had already left by the time they came back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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