chapter 26

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THE PRANK WAR was amazing

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THE PRANK WAR was amazing.

From filling one's floor with water cups before they woke up to adding food paint in toothpaste, they had done it all. Zara had teamed up with an excited Leo and a reluctant Ben who quickly got into play once his oreos were meddled with.

There was no clear winner, but everyone liked to pretend that they had outsmarted the others. Their dad even joined in and it was an exhilarating week. No one was safe and danger was around every corner.

Zara had felt more alive than she had in a while. Even Nugget had enjoyed himself.

She had obviously seen every prank coming because they were not hard to figure out. And her observant eye already knew that there was a tripwire at the bottom of the steps or a paint bucket was just waiting for her on the other side of the door.

Hence she stayed safe.

But Tino had gotten her as well. He had unintentionally did one trick that her mind was too occupied to pick up on.

The good old dye in the shampoo trick.

While taking a shower, she was too focused on calming her racing heart to actually focus on what was happening around her. She didn't even think of checking her reflection in the mirror and had blissfully exited the room for some breakfast.

Their laughter had told her that something was wrong. It took her time to realise her hair weren't as dark as they were supposed to be.

Leo had been kind enough to inform her that her hair were now a pastel orange- not that she remembered what it looked like. It was all a pale pink for her. They had proceeded to give her a sympathetic smile and Dele commented on how it complimented her amber eyes. Tino had clearly thought the colour out because not many shades went with her orange eyes.

That made her feel better.

And now Norah was fawning over the colour. The girl hadn't stopped looking at her hair since she entered the library to have lunch. She excitedly moved her hands and signed, This looks so amazing! You should definitely keep it.

Zara grinned and signed back, Thank you. And I don't know how long it will last.

The girl was squealing at this point, You can dye them again after they return to normal! Your eyes look so pretty with that hair.



It had only been a week since their friendship started and she already loved the redhead. Norah complemented her introverted and silent- observant- personality quite well with her extroverted and loud one. The only barrier she faced was a lack of speech. And Zara had removed that for her.

She was one of the kindest souls she had met. And prettiest too.

Hey hey, she waved to gather Zara's attention, do you want to hang out after school today?

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