chapter 18

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"WHO ARE YOU and what have you done to Salvatore?"

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"WHO ARE YOU and what have you done to Salvatore?"

Sal blinked, momentarily surprised, before looking up from his phone and gazing at his little sister who was stood there with her hands on her waist while her pet rested on her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, confused.

"You are not wearing a suit. Or a formal shirt. How?" She questioned and moved to sit beside Dele who was sitting beside him.

Dele moved at the last second, opening the space between Sal and him. Rest all the spaces were occupied so she passed him a short glare, huffed, and sat down.

Sal looked down at his casual yet classy t-shirt and sweatpants. He shook his head in amusement. She was such an exaggerator.

"You know, I don't wear a suit twenty four-seven."

"Only eighteen hours per day." Tino quipped and a light chuckle rang out.

"Really? I thought you even slept in a suit. Guess I was wrong." She hummed jokingly.

Sal's lips twitched but he barely shook his head again and focused on the screen, waiting to see what movie they would watch tonight.

"Okay," Raph clapped his hands, gaining everyone's attention,"I am thinking of putting on a horror movie. Its been a while since we have watched one."

"No!" Was the immediate reply of Ben and Zara.

Horror movies were something she despised. Even after living alone for a couple years, she was still scared shitless of those movies. Those were something she could never digest.

They all smirked in amusement. Dele lightly patted her head,"Don't worry, cara. We'll protect you."

Tino cooed in the background and she shot him a glare. He immediately stopped.

"I am not scared. But Nugget is. He hates watching them." She defended, pulling the little bundle more securely into her abdomen. He happily rolled up more, enjoying the warmth.

"Sure." Raph drawled, not believing her for a second. Asshole.

"We are not watching horror movie. And thats final." Ben stated finally, ignoring the teasing Sil and Tino were providing him with.

"I second that." She stated and pointed at Ben.

"Sorry. Not negotiable. We are watching that." Raph said, not sounding a bit sorry.

"Well then I am outta here." She began to stand up but Sal pulled her back down.

"No leaving until the movie is completed. Don't worry, its just a movie." He assured.

She glared at the floor. She couldn't leave. She didn't want to watch. And she could no way in hell sleep when there was a horror movie going on. She didn't have an option anymore.

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