chapter 14

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The question made Zara lift her gaze from her cereal and look at Leo. She was starting school today. Was she excited? No. Was she scared? Yes. Was she going to admit to either of those things?

Hell no.

She had switched schools thrice in her life. Once when she went to live with her aunt. Then when she ran away from there. And lastly when she shifted from middle school to high school. And all those schools were far from pleasant.

So why would she be excited? She would rather break into a dance, even though she hated dancing.

Still, she forced a smile onto her face, just for Leo's sake,"Very. Can't wait." for school to end already even though it hasn't even started yet.

Leo laughed, seeing through her act. He moved foward and ruffled her hair which was set into a braid, something she made Tino do for her this morning.

She was feeling lazy and he was more than excited to play with her hair ("I learned how to braid especially for you!") Dork.

"No need to be nervous. Your brothers are going to be there." Leo tried to calm her nerves but it had the opposite effect. Her brothers would be there. Not good.

"Yeah, Leo. Nothing to be nervous about." She muttered and patted down her hair. She ate another spoon of her cereal, ignoring his laughter, when all her school going brothers came down.

They sat down beside her and Leo on the kitchen island, each grabbing their own breakfast and digging in. Shortly after them Raph and Dele came down, sitting down beside her. Dele shot her a smile while she nodded in return.

Mornings were not her thing.

She finished her breakfast and kept away her bowl. Grabbing her skateboard, she was about to dash out of the house when Leo's voice spoke up,"Sit down, bambina. Sal wants to talk to you."

She furrowed her brows in question but Leo only gestured to her previous seat. Sighing, she placed her skateboard down and sat back, her head coming to rest on her palm which was propped up on the island.

Their papa had gone to some important meeting this morning so naturally Sal was in charge. He always was.

A minute of staring into space later Sal entered the dining room, wearing a black coat. He immediately took his seat at the head of the table. A few murmured greetings were exchanged before silence enveloped them all.

Sal cleared his throat,"Zara, as we all know, today you are starting school with your brothers."

"Fun." She muttered under her breath, causing Raph to crack a small smile.

Sal continued,"While you are a responsible child, we just want to place some rules so we don't find ourselves in any trouble."

The reaction was instant. Zara sat up straight, snapping her gaze to Sal, disbelief written all over her face. Did she hear him right?

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