Chapters 64 - 67

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Chapter 64

Morning was coming. Rhun stood on the sand dune, his feet sinking into the soft desert floor. Back facing the army of tickers that could be heard lightly clicking in the distance. Shield supported by his left arm, spear in his right, he prepared himself for the most important speech of his life. Every eye was on him. His soldiers were assembled. The fifty-seven gathered warriors waiting only on his command. “Today we claim a city of our own. Today is the day that free men shout out against those that would control through lies and manipulation. We have all lost and sacrificed much to this point. But, brothers and sisters, we have not given everything. While there is still breath in our lungs, we have more to give.”

Resolved eyes met his. Clenched jaws of men and woman gave him heart. Heads slowly nodded in agreement. “This here and now is what our future should be. This is what our people’s future will be, members of six entirely different societies working together as one, toward one goal. If they thought they would break us by massing machines at our new home, they were wrong. Dear friends, today we show them the folly in their perfect design.”

Tears moistened Rhun’s eyes as intensity and passion surged within him. He could tell his people were ready. They needed no more motivation or words. Rhun lifted his spear in the air. “Today we fight for not only our future but for all of those still naive to the truth. Today we take our city, tomorrow we spread truth to all the others.”

A shout like thunder more befitting an army of a thousand erupted from the chests of his fifty-seven. “Shield line!” Rhun roared.

Twelve shields moved to accompany his own, six on his right, six on his left. Lierna positioned herself directly to his right. Argo was behind him with the group of warriors equipped with slings and javelins. The formation would provide a solid, impenetrable wall to the tickers while Argo and the others behind them would have the opportunity to send projectiles at the red-lighted machines.

Rhun paused for a moment to catch Ward’s eye. His friend was left with the remainder of their force. Ward’s expression was grim as he exchanged nods. Rhun looked forward over his shield removing any thoughts beside war and strategy from his mind. The tickers would not be in firing range for a few more yards. Their number had grown to nearly three times their own. Rhun knew the shields would hold, but under the pressure of so many energy beams would his men be able to keep advancing?

“Forward!” Rhun yelled. Shield pressed against shield, heads low and legs crouched, they advanced alongside the rising sun. Thirteen shields closed the distance between themselves and the tickers. Rhun marched alongside his men, his head raised just enough to see over the top of his own shield.

The tickers were moving into formation as well. Instead of rows of the deadly machines, the robots now moved to form one single line. They would maximize their power this way and perhaps even flank either side of the shield wall.

“Edges,” Rhun yelled. The two shields on either end of the line rotated to the side. Their bearers would have to traverse the desert ground sideways now, but at least their flanks would not be exposed.

With each second the city walls loomed ever nearer, the clicking in the air ever louder. Sweat poured into Rhun’s eyes. Lierna moved at his right adjusting her shield for a better grip. The woman’s fearlessness gave even Rhun strength. No pause in her steps, no hesitation as her fiery red hair moved forward.

Another few seconds would see them in firing range from the ticker’s energy cannons. “Second line ready!” Rhun said with a tilt of his head. Slings were loaded and began to slowly twirl. Javelins were poised and readied.

Rhun counted the seconds in his head. Just before they were in range, he shouted one last encouragement to those around him. “No matter what, we move forward! We move forward for each other; we move forward for a free future!”

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