Chapters 40 - 43

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Chapter 40

The sun fought back the darkness with each step she took. Her shoes which were made specifically for running on hard surfaces sunk into the mixture of dirt and sand that blanketed the foreign landscape. Jordan chose a steady pace. You can do this. Keep going. This desert can’t last forever.

After a few more hours of walking, Jordan was beginning to rethink her previous statement. Hunger, and above all thirst demanded a resolution. The urgency of these feelings was worsening with each step. Every foot placed seemed harder and harder to pick up once again and move forward. The sun’s rays she once welcomed beat down on her with unrelenting force seemingly intent on cooking her alive.

Jordan kept moving forward. She ignored the voice in her head. The voice that argued that she had only escaped the robots to die of thirst in the desert wasteland outside of the Wall.

More hours passed with no sign of any life or even the slightest change of landscape. Sweat beaded down her forehead, neck and armpits soaking her long black hoodie. Sports bra underneath, Jordan weighed the pros and cons of removing her shirt altogether. She eventually decided that the brief relief from the heat would only serve to burn her exposed skin.

What if you’re wrong? Her internal voice was back. What if you led those people to their death for no reason? Now you’re only going to die yourself. Despite your greatest efforts, the truth will die with you in this hellish place. You will be forgotten and this twisted game of survival of the fittest, will continue unhindered.

Jordan’s vision was blurring. Sweat fell into her eyes like a tiny stream. She dragged a dirty forearm across her brow. Her arm came backed drenched in perspiration. Her vision didn’t clear. Jordan stopped mid-stride and squinted. She pushed her neck forward trying to make out the image in the distance through blurred waves.

Green patches, maybe grass and water beyond them. Jordan broke into a staggered run. No thought of whether this could be a trap or trick crossed her dehydrated mind. All she knew was that there was life. There was water.

A smile crossed her cracked lips. She was right. Bushes took shape as she traveled closer, foreign vegetation welcomed her. The water was unlike anything she ever saw living in the city. It stretched as far as her eyes could see. Like the desert, the body of water seemed endless.

Jordan paused in awe for only a moment before she began to run again. Forty, thirty, twenty, ten yards was all that separated her from the water’s cool embrace. Jordan reached the water’s edge and didn’t stop. Clothes and all, she threw herself in the water smiling and laughing.

The water consumed her. The frigid liquid enveloped her. It was one of the most gratifying sensations Jordan could remember experiencing. Waist deep, she stood up. Cupping her hands in a tiny bowl Jordan scooped the water and drank. It was bitter, salty. She couldn’t care less, it was water. In her mind it meant life. It meant a chance to make things right.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’re going to get sick.”

Jordan spat mid gulp, twisting around in the water. She was so eager and happy she had lowered her guard, sacrificing her own safety. Jordan’s wet hair whipped across her face as she took in the group of men that surrounded her in a half circle on the bank. Anger at herself for being so careless exploded inside. Next, the possibility of a fight heightened her heart rate.

Jordan and the group of men stood staring at one another. It was clear they were as surprised to see her as she was to see them. Inquisitive eyes looked her up and down. She met each man’s stare head on. There were six of them, all red and brown skinned with lean frames. Most wore an assortment of strange clothes; a few, bare chested. They all carried different types of weapons.

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