Chapters 10 and 11

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“And he said nothing, really? The way he looked before we threw him out… I mean, my god, what did you do to him?”

       Solomon Archer gave the Director a look with raised eyebrows, “Do you really want to know? How graphic do you want me to be?”

       The Director nodded from his seat, fingers interlaced behind his head he stared at the white ceiling.

       “You’re right. I don’t want to know. But nothing, huh?”


       “What does your intuition tell you?”

       Solomon stood in front of the Director of the city at attention, back straight hands cupped behind him. The captain of the city guard looked every bit the part of a trained soldier.

       “Robert Greyson knew something. What and how he knew it I can’t be sure. If I had a few more hours with him I could have gotten to the truth.”

       The Director waived dismissively with an open hand. “Please, Solomon it couldn’t be helped. I know you are a man that sees everything through to the end but let this one go. Trust me, he is better out of our hair and outside of the Wall than inside – even if he was being interrogated.”

       “Yes, sir. If you say so.”

       “People like him are a cancer to our society. People that start asking questions and snooping around are only a hindrance to our cause. He got what he deserved. Counselor Carter’s team will find out how and exactly what he knew and if anyone else knows.”

       “Her team? You mean her spies?” Solomon said with disgust. “Threats should be met head on, sir, with brute force and justice not with lies and shadow games.”

       The Director chuckled, “If I had it my way, Solomon, you know I would prefer to let you do things your way. But everything is moving along steadily and besides a few minor setbacks, our society is progressing extremely well. We are not only on schedule we are a few years ahead. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it, right?”

       The Captain looked down at his dark green suit, flicking a piece of lint to the floor. “As you wish, sir.”

       The Director nodded slowly thinking on whether there was anything else he needed to tell the Captain while he had him. “What did you think of Jordan’s response when she saw Robert?”

       Solomon’s face tightened as he thought back to the young woman’s actions the night before. “She was shocked and scared for him. What can you expect? It was her first time seeing someone released beyond the Wall. On top of that, it was someone she knew well. Overall I think she handled herself accordingly.”

       “I agree with you, yet Counselor Carter has her misgivings.”

       Solomon puffed out his cheeks, “I’m sorry, sir, Holly Carter has her misgivings about everyone. She probably has both me and you being followed by one of her spies.”

       The Director shrugged even at the thought of being watched. “I have nothing to hide. And between your hands-on approach and Counselor Carter’s spies, I have pity on anyone who does.”

Chapter 11

       “Buie, it’s—“

       “Jordan,” the voice on the other end practically shouted. “I have to see you right away. Are you at work?”

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