Chapter 32 - Sammy

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Rai, along with his three bodyguards drove a safe distance behind Brian, one of Michael’s top men. The Korean boss was careful not to draw any attention to his vehicle. For days he had stalked the man in different cars, watching him go to different places and meet with the remaining drug dealers still loyal to Michael. They drove down different streets slowly, along with the other traffic due to the rain. “Go home,” Rai said, as Brian turned off down a laneway; he knew it would become obvious to Brian, that he was being followed if they pursued him down there.

“Lor, I need you to run some errands for me tonight,” Rai said to the bodyguard driving.

“You want me to leave you?” Lor asked, concerned.

“It will only be for a few short hours, and I have these two with me,” He said, nodding his head toward the back where the other two suited bodyguards sat quietly observing each side of the street.

Rai thought about how far he had taken the family. They started off with a few small businesses and muscled their way into the party district, and then with the help of Chuck, they pushed into the drug trade. Friends and relatives relocated to Contro City to join the organization and his father could not have asked for a better outcome, he had outplayed everyone.

            “Let us out here Lor,” Rai said, as the car descended down the driveway that led to the underground complex of the high-rise building he lived in.

            “Where shall I go?” Lor asked.

            “Go and get something to eat and I will call you.”

            “Very well boss,” Lor said, obediently.

            Rai unbuckled his seat belt and pushed the door open, his other two body guards got out before him, scanning the area for any signs of a threat. The one closest to the entrance tapped three times on the back window signaling that it was safe to exit the vehicle.

            The suited gangster closed the door and Lor signalled to turn out of the driveway as the boss and his bodyguards entered the five-star highrise he lived in.

            Either side of the large revolving doors stood two consierges; who both bowed their heads respectfully at Rai’s approach. “Mister Rai, sir,” One of the men said. Rai dug into his pockets and tipped both of them generously, to which they bowed their heads again.

            One of Rai’s bodyguards immediately took up his post at the bar opposite the lifts with a direct view of whoever came in or out of the hotel entrance. The other continued on with the boss, the lift ride was long, but they enjoyed the view through the glass surroundings that looked over the busy city. The bell rang when they hit the thirty-second floor. Rai took out his swipe key and inserted it into the door, which then unlocked. He pushed open the door and just as it always was sat a chair in the hallway next to a small table equipped with a bottle of vodka and reading material.

            His second bodyguard unbottoned his suit and removed his glock from its holster and placed it on the table as he assumed his position facing the door. 

            “Linda?” Rai called, as he switched on lights around the apartment.

            His beautiful Japanese girlfriend walked sleepily out of their bedroom wearing her nightgown. She let out a yawn, “I cooked you dinner, my love.”

            “You’re too kind to me, I'll have it in the morning,” Rai said, embracing her in a hug. 

            Rai walked into his bedroom with his arm wrapped around Linda and opened up his wardrobe that was neatly organized. There was a row of shoes along the bottom and above each pair the outfit to go with them. On another shelf was an assortment of watches, and a second shelf housed dozens of designer sunglasses.

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