Sorry 🦋

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The next day

Bakugo's pov

Bakugou's conscience

Tch, why the hell do I even care that I injured her? It's not like I did it on purpose, and before I could've said anything yesterday that damn icy hot bastard walked off with her tch. Why the fuck do I feel like this? I'm not even gonna apologize to her sorry ass because she should've never been there in the first place. Stupid extras always getting in the way of my shit.
The bruse looked really bad though... HELL! AS IF I CARE TCH. Sigh let me just get this shitty day over with.

End of Bakugo's pov

You were walking with mina to go to the lunch all. Today was a good day, the morning was really quiet which you were thankful for because surprisingly Bakugo was not shouting at anyone. Today he seemed quiet actually, 'maybe something was on his mind?', you wondered but you were not going to question anything. You were just happy for the peace and enjoyed it for the time being.
"Soon you'll be leaving huh? I'll miss you so much ugh", Mina said and sighed.
"I'll miss you too, and the others", you replied and sighed as well.
"Well then, we should make the most of the time, what do you wanna do tomorr-", she was cut off when someone called out to you.
"Hey y/n!", you heard someone call out to you in a deep raspy voice.
You turned around to see said person being Bakugo.
"You can go ahead Mina I'll catch up to you", you said.
She nodded in response and left.
You awaited as Bakugo approached you.
"Wassup?", you asked him.
"I want you to listen cus I'm only gonna say this once so you better pay attention witch.", he said in an angry voice as he stepped closer to you. You slightly tensed up with how close he was standing to you.
You nodded in response.
"I'm sorry", he said in a calm voice which took you back a bit.
"Huh? What was that?", you looked at him with a confused look on your face. His eyes twitched at your response but before he could respond you said,
"I'm joking off, but, what are you sorry for?", you asked this time honestly confused.
"It was my fault you got hurt yesterday dumbass", he replied still in a calm but sorry tone.
"Oh haha that.. Bruh it's not like you did it on purpose so no need to apologize, however since it's a sorry from you I'll take it!", you said as you smiled a toothy smile.
"Huh?! What's that supposed to mean?!", he asked in his usual angry tone.
"Besides, my foot's all better and I dont know about you but I'm hungry so let's go!!", you said in a cheerful tone as you took hold of one of his hands and jogged off to the lunch room dragging him along with you.
"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!", he shouted and you ignored him.
Just then, he averted his eyes to only now realise that you were holding his hand, and with that, his face was heating up again, just like it did the time you both were outside on the dorm's steps that one night.
The rest of lunch was actually pretty fun, you even saw a slight smile on Bakugo's face when you were talking to him which was soon replaced with a scowl when you told him that his hair looks like a dandelion and sea urchin had a baby in which he shouted at you but you didn't mind, you were laughing too much with Denki, Kirishima and Sero to give a damn.


After lunch the day went about as regular and by the time it was evening you were eager to just head back to the dorms and lay on your bed.
School was dismissed and now the students were heading back to the dorms. You walked beside Bakugo.
The walk was silent but every now and then you would steal a glance or two at him. 'Damn the evening sunlight really complements his features.. pfft what am I thinking- but then again, I'd be lying if I said he's not gorgeous- wait why am I thinking this - ugh why am I always in a constant war with myself??', you said as you sighed.
"What's the matter with you?", Bakugo raised a brow and asked you.
You averted your eyes towards him and in that moment the sun was hitting his face and he looked absolutely beautiful to you, and with that, your face started heating up.
"Oh its nothing it's just that I was thinking- I mean yeah obviously I was thinking- that- I mean- well- I'm just kinda tired that's all theres absolutely nothing to me sighing haha.. yeah..", you replied.
'get yourself together y/n.', you thought as you mentally slapped yourself.
"Whatever", he replied.

As soon as you entered the dorms you swarmed off to your room and you entered and locked the door and dove on the bed and held your face.
"The hell is wrong with you y/n, why are you feeling like this? Why. Why him? Naw, it's not like that I'm just tired that's all, yeah I'm tired, I need rest", you said all whilst both your hands covered your face.

Just then you heard a knock at your door after you basically had a minor meltdown.
"Who is it?", you asked in a polite tone.
"You dropped your phone dumbass", Bakugo replied.
'Of course he'll show up now, oh fun', you sarcastically thought to yourself as you got up and proceeded to open the door.
"Hey, thanks a milly, you a champ for that one chief, bye." You said as you swiftly took the phone from his hand and proceeded to close the door but was stopped when he stopped it with his hand.
A visable look of confusion and somewhat fright was on your face.
"What's your stupid quirk again?", he asked.
"Huh why?", you replied
"Are you gonna tell me or not?", he replied
"It's astral projection and force manipulation, like raven from teen titans go, you call me witch all the time but somehow seem to forget, damn some husband you are", you said 'why did I say the last part?', you thought as you mentally facepalmmed yourself.
"Tch whatever", he replied and walked off.
You then let out a breath that you were holding in because of how nervous you were for some reason you did not understand but nonetheless you went about your business and later on went to sleep.

Hey guys, finally an update ugh 😭😭 I hope everyone is doing okay, anyways stay safe and have a good day/ night! <3

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