Study date with Denki 🦋

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"I'm coming, im coming calm down!" You shouted and ran downstairs to open your door.
You opened the door to see a smiling Denki with a bag in his hand.
"Well I swore you were gonna break the doorbell", you said and rolled your eyes.
"I made you hurry up didn't I?" He said and smirked.
"Just come in" You said and chuckled
He came in and gave you a hug, and you hugged him back.
He hugged you really tight and said " I missed you sunshineeeeee"
"I missed you tooooo bubs"
You both released from the hug
"What you got in that bag bubs?" You asked
"Nothing much only your f/s f/d" he replied
"I- really?!?" You said in excitement
"Umhm" he hummed in response
"Well?! Hand it over bubs, don't hold the goods away from momma!" You eagerly said.
"Okay "momma" he chuckled and handed you the bag.
"You bought all this just for me??" You asked shocked
"Well I don't see anyone else here" he smiled at you and said it in a teasing voice
"Leave it to you to buy 10 bags of my f/s huh bubs? I don't deserve you-" he cut you off
"Heyy I don't deserve you" he said
"Uno reverse" you said
"I-" before he could respond you stuck your tongue out at him
He laughed and stuck his tongue out at you.
"Anyways let's head upstairs to studyyyy" you said
"You know I'm dumb right?" he replied
"Self awareness is the best kind" you sarcastically said
"You're so mean" he whined
"No I'm not" you said
"You are" he quickly responded
"Am not" you retored
"Okay Bakugou" he said
"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" you shouted
"did I stutter?" he said in a sarcastic tone
"This is the second time you're comparing me to that dick, quit it" you huffed and said
"Well if the shoe fits-" you cut him off before he could finish his sentence
"Keep calling me him and I'll break your ankles" you said upset
"Pack it up Sangwoo" he said teasing your statement
You dramatically gasped
"As I thought" he said
"Just shut up already!!" You replied and pouted
"Back again sounding jus like Bak-" you cut him off again
"Don't you dare!" You said upset once more
"Okay okay I won't" he said
"Good" you replied
"Or will I" he said and smirked
You sighed in response.
You opened your bedroom door and you and Denki walked in. You rested down the bag of snacks/drinks and dove on your bed and let out a loud sigh. "I wanna sleeeep" you whined
"Then sleep" he said
"But I gotta study" you complained
"Then study" he said
"wOW yOu'Re sO hElPfUl dEnKi" you said in a mocking voice
"Don't be like that" he said in a soft voice.
You raised an eyebrow
"Look just study, then well can watch a movie and you can take a nap" he suggested.
"Okay that actually sounds good" you agreed.
You got up and headed to your shelf and took out all the books needed to study.
You rested them on the table in your room and sat down at the chair and began to study.
"What are you gonna do in the meantime?" you asked Denki
"Probably go on tik tok or Instagram meh" he responded
"I mean we can talk while I study if you like-" he cut you off mid sentence
"Noo it's okay I don't wanna distract youu" he reassured you
"I can multita-" he cut you off again
"Focus on studying idiot we can talk after, plus we know you suck at multitasking" he said in a stern voice
"I- good point" you agreed, being defeated.


You've been studying for the past three hours and you've finally completed the chapters and topics that you needed to study for today, plus you read two chapters ahead so that you won't have to read as much tomorrow.
You stretched and got up and dove on the bed next to Denki and hugged him while the both of you layed down.
"Sigh" you sighed
No answer
"Sighh" you sighed louder
No answer again
"SIGHHHHH" this time, you sighed the loudest of your ability
"What's the matter sunshine?" he asked you
"I want snacks" you said in a babyish voice
"You could've just said that" he replied while he got up and handed you the bag of snacks
"Well you're supposed to read my mind" you said as you took it and went through the bag to take one of your f/s
"Baka" he replied
"bAkA" you replied, mocking him
He chuckled and ruffled your hair and you pouted as you opened the pack of f/s.

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