Date one pt. 2 🦋

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Apologizes for always adding two parts to chapters sometimes it's just that I don't want them to be too long ya know? Anyways back to the story-

You looked in awe at the colourful fishes that inhabited the tank "They're so pretty, Katsuki, do you know the name of these fishes?", you looked at Bakugo and asked him.
"No, what's the name of them?", he replied, in a calm tone. Today, he was more calm than being his usual aggressive self, and of you were being honest, sure you liked his fiery attitude and loved seeing him all worked up, but you adored seeing his calm side more than you would admit.
"Well since you asked", you replied, a smile now creeping on your face, "these are royal angelfish", you said as you pointed to the school of fishes that was close to the glass where you were standing. "Those are emperor angelfish", you pointed to a school of fish not too far from the royal angelfish.
"And those are queen angelfish", you pointed to a school of fish that were swimming by the emperor angelfish.
"It's really beautiful that they all live together peacefully huh?", you said while looking at the fish in the tank.
"Heh, nerd", Bakugo said soft, but loud enough for you to hear.
"I'm not a nerd! Well, I kinda am but- sh", you pouted.
You heard him chuckle.
"What?", you pouted and replied.
"You're cute", he replied while looking at the fish.
And with that, your face started heating up. "L-let's go by the other tanks ", you stuttered out.
'Why can't I ever speak properly around him?!', you thought to yourself.


The rest of the time you guys spent there was mostly you naming all the sea creatures (what a nerd 🙄🤚 jk you're so cute 😩☝️) and Bakugo lowkey paying attention and admiring how passionate you are about something you are interested in.

"Wait here I'll be back", Bakugo said to you.
"Okay", you replied, being confused.
He then walked off.
You were watching the dolphins in the aquarium.
About 10 minutes later he came back with a stuffed dolphin in his hand that was about two feet in size.
You became shock. "Katsuki", you said.
He then handed the stuffed dolphin to you and didn't say a word, to which you didn't say anything either.
Just then, a dolphin came by the glass and you put your hand on the glass and the dolphin put it's fin to mirror your hand, to which you smiled.
Then you removed your hand from he glass and took Bakugo's hand and put it  where your hand was on the glass and the dolphin mirrored his hand as well, then removed it and did a little clap.
"He likes you", you said and smiled.
"But I like you too", you also added, causing Bakugo to look at you and he had a light blush on his face.
You then realized what you said and blushed as well.
Then you both just looked at the aquarium.
And he took told of your hand.

And he took told of your hand

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(Like this for reference ^^)

And the both of you just enjoyed the comfortable silence and admired the beauty that was infront of you.


You both overall had a good time at the aquarium, it was peaceful yet nice, and you liked that.
Your first date with Bakugo was one that you'd always remember.

Before he dropped you home, the both of you went to get your f/f (favorite food), your call.

By the time you got home it was 3:00 pm.

You bid your farewells to Bakugo.
"Bye", you said to him then kissed him on the cheek and quickly exited the car with both of your faces as red as tomatoes.
"B-", he did even get the chance to tell you goodbye because of how fast you moved.

You entered your house with your stuffed dolphin.
The aroma of cookies filled the air which was pleasing to your nose.
You walked to the kitchen to see your mother with an apron on that had flour on it, icing a batch of cookies that she made.
"Good afternoon lovebird", she gretted you.
"Hey mom", you said as you proceeded to take a cookie from the dish they were layed out on.
But your mom lightly slapped your hand causing you to quickly pull it back.
"Ow!", you whined.
"Oh shut it, it didn't hurt", she replied as she put white icing on a circle cookie.
"Hmph", you pouted.
"So...",she started
"So...", you replied
"How was the date?", she said
"Well... it was great! He's so nice and today he was literally the sweetest and he even got me this stuffed dolphin,  and I think I-", you paused
"You really like him huh?", she replied and smiled at you.
"Yeah", you said as you say down on a chair at the counter and held your face.
"Ah, young and it love~ my y/n? In love? He must've really been something to catch your attention", she replied taking  the other set of cookies out of the oven.
"Believe me, when I started to catch feelings for him I beatted myself up about it all the time, but eventually, thanks to Denki and my thoughts, I realised. Thank Goodness he felt the same Mom or else I didn't know what I would've done", you replied, removing your hands from your face.
"It's okay to get rejected you know, not everyone will fell the same. Take how Tobio felt about you as example, you didn't feel the same and you were not at fault for the way you felt.", she said as she put the cookies on a cooling rack. (Tobio is a guy from her school who had a crush on her and he confessed and asked her out on a date to which she denied because she didn't reciprocate his feelings).
"Okay fair point but you know I'm scared of rejection", you replied and rested your chin on your hand.
"You live and you learn kiddo", she replied.
"That's true.", you replied.
"Anyways I'm gonna head upstairs and take a shower, and then, I'm coming for those cookies!", you said as you took your bag and stuffed dolphin and headed upstairs to your room.
"You better not eat all when I'm asleep y/n!", your mom shouted as you walked up the stairs.
"I am not making any promises!", you shouted back and chuckled.

The love on the story as usual: immaculate
Love y'all so so much
Stay hydrated and pretty
Xoxo Author <3

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