Arc 4: Chapter 77

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Elenor was getting ready to head out to meet up and discuss with Lloyd about the slavery trading. Night had fallen and everyone was in deep slumber.

She wore a black hood that covered her face and hair completely. Opening the window, she looked around before leaving silently as possible. Thankfully, her room wasn't upstairs but on the ground floor.

Carefully, she walked to where Lloyd had told her to wait at. Noticing a figure, she hesitated but the figure had noticed and motioned her to come over. She saw that they were on her side and headed over.

"This way, Lady Elenor." they softly spoke as they led her towards a forest.

Just to be safe, she continued to hold her guard up until they stopped in front of a run down house. They stopped at the door and knocked it.

"I have brought Lady Elenor."

Without waiting for a reply, they turned back to Elenor and bowed.

"Please go inside Lady Elenor."

"Ah..uh alright." she nodded before slowly opening the door to the house.

There was a man with brown hair sitting down at the only table in the house. Her eyes darted around only to find a few knights, hiding under a black hood, standing guard.

She walked over to the seat opposite of the brown hair man and sat down. Then the brown hair man looked up and grinned.

"Hello Elenor~" Lloyd greeted.

Elenor sighed and shook her head before removing the hood over her head.

"For a second there I thought I was about to be drugged and kidnapped."

Lloyd laughed, "Sorry about that."

She waved it off, "It's fine. You must have heard everything from my brother."

"Yes. I must say, I didn't expect the young boy you decided to take would be from our kingdom."

"Me neither."

Lloyd leaned against his palm and chuckled. "Once you're in this, you can't back out now Elenor."

She smiled, copying his action and leaned against her palm. "Don't worry. I won't."

He returned a smile before glancing at the door behind her. "There's going to be someone else coming."

Elenor raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

"He should be here any minute." he answered, checking his pocket watch before placing it back in his pocket.

Just as Lloyd put his pocket watch away, a soft knock echoed through the silent night before a figure hidden under a hood walked inside. The figure froze at the sight of Elenor.


"Ah Alec? So you're the one Lloyd said would be arriving."

Alec stared at Elenor before coldly gazing at Lloyd who quickly straightened his back. He sent a wry smile over to Alec who glared at him.

"Don't look at Lloyd like that. I requested to be here." Elenor spoke, tugging on his coat.

"What's the reason?"

"I want to know the whereabouts of the trading." she straightforwardly answered.


"Why not?" she frowned.

"You know Ray is from Elaelind but he was sold in the slavery trading. People from our kingdom could still be there."

"Who the heck is Ray?" Alec grumbled, irritated from hearing another male's name from her mouth.

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