Arc 2: Chapter 36

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Alec caressed Elenor's hair softly, his eyes slowly trailing from her head down to her face and to her neck. There was a mouth shaped bite on her neck, with a slight bleeding. The bite was plain obvious making Alec sick as he continued staring at it. He had to get rid of it. It was mocking him, telling him over and over again that he had failed to protect Elenor.

As if putting salt onto the wound, Elenor's head was bleeding and her face had bruises everywhere. Yet she held on, waiting for Alec to save her. Alec pressed small kisses to the bruises on her face. His heart ached as he continued finding more bruises around Elenor.

"Elenor...I.." his sentence falls short. He couldn't continue it. Not when she was suffering like this.

His grip around Elenor tightened. His pupils dilated even more as he hugged her body close to his. He carried her up slowly, treating her as if she was a porcelain doll ready to break any time. He looked down at the bleeding body beside his feet. Without thinking twice, he stepped on the body, using his heel as well. The body screamed in pain but Alec didn't care. He turned and walked away.

"Take that guy away. I have unfinished business with him." Alec ordered one of the men with him before fully walking away, never looking back.

"You're going to be okay Elenor," he spoke in a hushed tone, repeating it over and over.

If anyone heard what he said, they would say it sounded like he was reassuring himself instead.

When Elenor finally opened her eyes, two days had already passed by. The room ceiling was not hers. Alarmed, she bolted up and frantically glanced around the room. When her eyes finally landed on Alec, lying beside her side, her distraught heartbeat calmed down. She was in a safe place, not that murky cell.

She felt around her face and body. There were small bandages on her.

Remembering what had happened to her before she fainted, her face paled. Her hands were shaking as memories of what almost could have happened flashed through her mind. Her fears bubbled up in her chest making it almost unbearable. Her breathing started going frenzied and her vision began blurring.

"Milady?" Alec got up once he felt the blankets shifting around.

He had fallen asleep by accident after taking care of her the whole time without sleeping.

Elenor turned to Alec. Seeing his face slowly calmed her down. Her throat was dry but she wanted to speak to him.

She croaked out, "Alec.."

"I'm here, milady." he whispered to her. It was extremely soft-spoken that it made Elenor feel better.

Her shaky hands clung onto Alec's blazer, afraid that once she released her hold, he would disappear and she would be back in a terrible head space.

"Milady," he softly spoke again, gently holding Elenor.

She looked up at him. Her eyes showed fear mixed with panic. His breathing seemed to have stopped for awhile but returned to normal.

"If you allow it, would you allow me to hold you?" he asked.

Without hesitation, she nodded and buried herself into Alec's arms. His scent was calming and so was his touch. She felt safe in his arms, like they were made for her. Elenor felt Alec wrapping his arms around her, patting her back softly.

"You can cry, nobody is coming into this room." he muttered, his hand never once stopped patting her back.

Elenor realised he was trying to comfort her. With how warm and calm she felt, her tears she had been suppressing finally crumbled. Her sobs muffled into Alec's chest. Her cries were soft and melancholy.

"I...I was so scared.." Elenor shakily spoke.

Alec didn't say a word and continued to stay by her side, patting her back as she cried.

By the time Elenor stopped crying and calmed down, she was fast asleep again. Alec gently laid her back down and placed the blanket over her. He quietly left the room and headed off somewhere.

Alec walked down the stairs which led deeper and deeper into the underground basement. It was silent, only his footsteps echoed. He stopped at one cell which was guarded by one of the palace knights.

The knight saluted was Alec before allowing the cell door, letting him inside. There, a figure sitting on a wooden chair, tied up and gagged. Alec walked up to the figure and smiled.

"You're lucky I was busy the whole time but now I can finally finish my business with you." Alec said.

He turned to the guard, "You may leave, I will handle everything here." Alec ordered.

The knight wanted to protest but when he saw the murderous intent in his eyes, he nodded and hurriedly left. Alec turned back to the man who had touched Elenor. He took off the cloth that gagged him and threw it aside.

"You fucking bastard!" he screamed angrily, moving around in the chair nonstop.

"I didn't let you speak did I?" Alec snarled, throwing a punch.

He continued punching, stopping when he was satisfied. He dusted his hands before taking out a knife out of his pocket. He casually twirled it around, throwing it up in the air sometimes. He turned to the bruised man now on the ground. He bent down, grazing the knife against the skin.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" Alec spoke with a frightening smile on his face.

"N-no!" the man yelled, shaking tremendously but his cries were ignored as they echoed through the basement. 

"Nobody can hear you down here. So enjoy this slow and painful death alright?" Alec whispered into the man's ear as he slowly tortured him. 


Lloyd heaved out a sigh, placing down the reports he just received. His secretary who was standing beside him nodded, understanding why he sighed.

"Alec really showed no remorse," he muttered.

His secretary nodded, "Indeed your highness. He single handedly took care of every one of the kidnappers while the knights in the troop protected the victims."

Lloyd massaged his temples. Just thinking about it was enough to make one pale in fear. He continued finishing up everything as well as reading up on the latest reports around the kingdom.

"Your highness," someone knocked on his office door.

"Come in,"

A knight came in and bowed in respect before speaking, "Sir Alec has finished his business with the leader of the slave trading. The body has been cleaned up by sir Alec as well." he reported.

Lloyd nodded and allowed him to leave. Once the door closed, Lloyd fell back to his chair, sighing once more. Running his fingers through his hair, he knew one thing for sure. He definitely needed Alec on his side.

But he knew it was not possible. He saw how Alec looked at him and Elenor. Alec looks at him as if he was an obstacle, a nuisance. While towards was as if his whole world revolved around her. Lloyd could see the way Alec's eyes lit up with life when he's with her. Separating them would be the worst thing to do. He knew if he wanted to live a long life, he shouldn't separate him from her.

"He would be a good vessel for this kingdom though." he mumbled to himself before he heard the doors creaking open.

He glanced at the door, wondering who came in without knocking. Seeing who it was, he sat upright and stared in confusion.

"Alec? Why have you come here?" Lloyd asked.

"I have come to discuss a deal." Alec answered.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow, before signalling his secretary to leave. Once it was only the two of them in his office, Lloyd placed his elbows on the desk, fingers interlocked together. A smirk made its way up to his face.

"So what's the deal?"


Author's note: hope everyone is doing well and safe! my country here has been getting worse as the cases have been increasing each day so you all better take care of urselves as well (* ̄3 ̄)╭

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