Arc 2: Chapter 29

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After Elenor forced Alec to take a vacation, he didn't know what to do in his spare time. Everyday he would work non-stop, being by her side never getting a break. Until now.

The next day when he got up, he got dressed in his uniform and was about to leave when he remembered Elenor had given him a break which meant he isn't supposed to go for work. Holding the doorknob in his hand, he sighed and released his grip on it.

Sitting down on his bed, he pondered what he should do now that he was given a break. He took off his white gloves and placed it on his nightstand before changing out of his butler uniform and into something more casual. He wore a white plain button up and a pair of black trousers. His hair was now put down and not slicked back like he often did.

For the first time since he had ever been taken in, he left the estate without needing to follow Elenor.

How long has it been since he had such freedom? Alec could still briefly remember wishing for a break and freedom but now that he got it, it felt odd to him. Uncomfortable as well. His legs wanted to walk over to where Elenor was residing in but restrained himself.

He was allowed to use the carriage and left to a small town further from the eyes of the capital. Once reached, he got off the carriage and walked to a specific place that was always fresh in his mind, never forgetting about it. Children ran past him, laughter ambienting as they ran. His gaze stuck on them for a few seconds before looking away, continuing to the place.

Soon there were less people and it became quieter. Leaves under his feet made sounds as he walked on until he stopped at the destination. He peered down at two gravestones that were beside one another. His icy cold eyes softened and he kneeled down, now eye level with the gravestones.

Brushing his fingertips against the names on it, he whispered into the cold wind, "Mother, Father. I finally see you again."

Being the only one in the cemetery, he didn't pay any mind to it and continued speaking.

"Please forgive me for not bringing any flowers and for being unable to visit you all the years."

Alec cleaned the areas around his parents graves after he noticed it wasn't kept tidy for so long. He pulled out the weeds coming out of the graves and brushed away the dust. Once he was satisfied, he took his time and kept his parents company until he had to go.

Before he left, he turned back to his parents and held a small smile on his face, "My lady has been nice to me so I will be able to see you again soon. Until then, please continue to look after me as you have been all these years." he bowed and left the cemetery.

He looked around the town he once lived in. It had no pleasant memories for him. The memory of when Elenor had stumbled upon him when he was on the brink of death from starvation came back. A scowl on his face was seen as anger bubbled up inside him but it dissipated when he remembered the new Elenor that took over the previous.

Resting his forehead in his palm, his mind that was calm since he visited his parents became a mess once again. Every time he thought about her, his mind becomes disoriented making him unable to think straight at times. It made him want to kill her off.

Wanting to clear his mind, he took a small walk around the town. The townspeople noticed how he was dressed and tried their best to get his attention so they could get more money. After all, most of the people living there were dressed slightly more shabby and worn out. Alec however, paid no attention and only shot back an aloof expression.

"Excuse me sir!" he felt someone tugging his pants.

He wanted to ignore it but after hearing how high pitched and childlike it sounded he looked down to find a young girl who only could reach around his legs. The young girl noticed his gaze and  brightly smiled.

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