Arc 4: Chapter 92

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When night fell, Elenor snuck out to the capital in a hidden carriage she had asked- mostly begged Paige to prepare for her.

She wore the black hood lower as she walked through the capital. It was still bustling with people. Elenor laughed to herself as she remembered the phrase 'the night is still young'. No matter which world, the phrase could be used anywhere.

Elenor continued to walk around the capital before deciding to head inside a bar. Though she was supposed to look for clues where Alec might be, she was getting hungry and craving for alcohol.

'I haven't drank any for so long, I must get at least a bit in my system!' she thought to herself, fist bumping the air before walking into the bar.

It was noisy and the bar was almost entirely filled with people. Elenor slowly made her way towards the bar counter and took a seat at the corner of it. The bartender noticed a new presence at the counter and made his way towards her.

He shot her a business smile, "Good evening, what would you like today?"

"Any special cocktail?" Elenor asked, pulling her hood lower.

"We have a special today, would you like to try it?"

"Yes please."

As long as she had a taste of some alcohol, she would be satisfied already. The bartender nodded, not minding she had covered her face suspiciously with a hood.

He prepared the cocktail and slid it over to her seat. She thanked him and slowly took a sip of it. Her eyes widened in joy as the sweet liquid flowed down her throat.

"This is delicious!" she exclaimed, given compliments to the bartender who had prepared it for her.

He bowed as thanks before continuing to tend to other customers. Not far from where she was seated was a middle aged man which kept staring at her direction. Elenor could sense the stare and tried to ignore it, drinking her drink faster than she wanted to.

Luckily the alcohol in the drink wasn't too high to make her drunk but only slightly tipsy. She placed the money down on the counter, adding a bit extra as a tip for the bartender before getting up, preparing to leave.

"Oi lady where ya going? The fun just begun!" the middle age man shouted over at her once she got off her seat.

She scrunched her nose in disgust at him. She pretended not to hear him and headed out of the bar. Once she was out of the place, she took in the cold night air. Just as she was slowly sobering up from the cool air, a tight grip held her by the arm.

"I said where ya going!" the middle age man from the bar said, impatiently.

"Let go of me." Elenor sternly said, trying to shake his grip off her.

The middle aged man grinned, forcefully pulling her hood down, "A pretty lady like ya shouldn't be hiding your face!"

Elenor was about to fight back when suddenly another force pulled her away from the middle aged man and harshly kicked him causing him to spit out blood from the impact.

"Scram unless you want to die." a cold, heavy voice spoke behind Elenor.

The middle aged man squeaked in fear before getting up on his feet and scurrying away. Elenor gradually turned her head behind to find Alec standing there dressed up formally. She blinked a couple of times before bringing her hands up to his face, touching his facial features to confirm she wasn't hallucinating.

"Is it really you Alec? How did you even find me?" she asked, dumbfounded.

Alec nodded, releasing his grip on her. "I had some business around this area...and what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?"

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