Arc 2: Chapter 34

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The lights turned back on and the doors were finally able to open. The people inside the theatre rushed out not wanting to be in there any longer. Only a few stayed which included Alec who was frantically searching for his lady.

"Milady?" he called out, looking everywhere but there were no signs of her or her crimson hair in sight.

He cursed at himself. He had been by her side this whole time yet when he left his eyes off her for only a second, she was gone. He could hear people frantically calling someone just like him but he could care less about their existence. He needed to find Elenor.

"Alec? Where's Elenor?" Lloyd asked as he tapped on his shoulder.

Alec slapped his hand away, glaring at him intensely, "That's what I would like to know." he scowled.

If it was anyone else, they would have been furious and used all the power to get rid of him but it was Lloyd. From the very beginning, Lloyd knew this butler of Elenor's wasn't one to be polite to anyone.

Lloyd sighed and shook his head, "They must have taken her too."


"The attackers. They have kidnapped most of the young nobles. Ladies to be specific." Lloyd explained as he took Alec away with him.

"For now I have ordered one of my men to find any trails but we know one thing for sure," he added on.

"Slave trading." Alec spoke instead.

Lloyd let out a small chuckle before nodding. Lloyd knew he was right to assume this boy in front of him was incredibly intelligent. Different from any butlers.

"Yes slave trading. Right now we're going to continue looking for clues and trails so I'll bring you back to the Marquess' estate."

"I won't leave until I find milady." Alec firmly said, directly looking at Lloyd.

His eyes devoid of any emotions yet it sent shivers down Lloyd's spine. Lloyd already could tell it was no use in trying to persuade him on returning back to the estate so he nodded. At least he had another helping hand in this case.

"Very well."


Elenor woke up with her head throbbing, she winced at the pain as she slowly opened her eyes. She took in her surroundings. It was a barely dimmed place with bars, there was no sunlight coming in which meant she was underground. It had a weird stench all around but it was bearable.

Looking around more, she noticed she wasn't the only one down here. There were other ladies in the same cell as her and they were all mostly from the play. Elenor tried to move but her hands were tied behind her back and so were her legs. Her mouth was sealed shut as well. The ladies around her were crying and in a state of panic, shaking tremendously.

Elenor could not lie and say she wasn't shaking as well. This has never happened to her before. Now that she was pulled into this, her brain was trying to come up with ideas to help her get out of the situation. Luckily she realised her mouth was sealed shut with duct tape and with her learning random things off the internet, she knew how to get rid of it.

But she didn't do it just yet. There were footsteps echoing down the hallway. Elenor could feel her breath hitching in fear. The ladies in the cell did the same, becoming silent in fear. A buff man around probably his forties stopped at the cell she was in and peered inside.

He had a greasy grin on his wide and his lustful eyes swept through each and every lady. He licked his lips and nodded.

"Don't worry ladies, soon you will be out of these cells. You ladies are truly lucky, being sold off to rich men is a dream come true." he let out a laugh before walking away.

Elenor glared at that man, she never felt so disgusted. Once it became silent again, Elenor looked around her cell once more and noticed a familiar hair colour at the right corner of the cell. It was Isabella. She was disheveled with her eyes bloodshot red. Elenor didn't need to think twice in realising she must have been crying this whole time they have been here.

Elenor then shifted her body, moving closer to where Isabella was at. Because of her moving closer and closer, Isabella noticed her and glared but didn't try moving away. Once Elenor was close enough, she stopped and began her plan.

Quickly she removed the duct tape off her mouth by moistening it with her saliva. Once she was able to get her tongue out of the duct tape, she pulled the duct tape inside her mouth and was able to rip it off before spitting it out. At this moment she didn't care if Isabella had a disgusted look on her face. Survival was more important.

Elenor gasped out and heaved out a sigh. She turned to Isabella who still could give her a scowl even in this situation. She rolled her eyes before speaking in a low voice, only two of them were able to hear.

"Turn around," Elenor said.

Isabella stared at her confused. Elenor frowned, slowly getting frustrated at her. "Turn around." she said once more.

Isabella finally did what she was told. Elenor did the same so now their backs were facing each other.

"Now untie the rope around my hands." Elenor guided.

Isabella nodded and fumbled around with it before Elenor could feel her hands loosening up. Once her hands were freed, she untied the rope around her legs before turning to Isabella. She raised her finger up to her lips, signalling her to keep quiet. After that, she slowly removed the duct tape off Isabella's mouth and freed her from the ropes.

"I'm going to be straightforward and say this. I don't like you and you don't like me. I would prefer to do nothing with you but since we are stuck in this situation along with other ladies, I suggest we agree to be neutral with each other." Elenor said once she helped Isabella.

Isabella frowned and sighed, "Deal..."

Elenor had a small smile on her face and nodded, "Great. First things first, let's get the others out of the ropes as well then I'll tell the plan I came up with."

With that, the two began freeing the other ladies bound by the ropes, silently as to make sure they didn't rouse up any sounds or attention from the men who had kidnapped them.

While that was happening, Lloyd received all the details and trails he needed in order to execute his plan. He called Alec into his office and grinned.

"I have a plan and I need you to lend me a hand."

Alec raised an eyebrow. Although he didn't like Lloyd if he was able to get Elenor back, he was willing to be nice for now.

He nodded, "What is it?"

Lloyd slid some documents towards Alec and pointed at it, "These are the details of those who were involved with the kidnapping. Inside has every information of them and where they are keeping the victims."

Alec took the documents and swiftly skimmed through before looking up at Lloyd again. Lloyd had a smile on his face as he continued what he was saying,

"I want you to lead a troop into their base and infiltrate it."

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