21 - Kiersten

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I settle into my seat, ready for the second half to get started. There's a little rush of excitement as the players filter back onto the field. Despite our borderline embarrassing first half, I'm hopeful that we can pull this one out. Teddy, on the other hand, has been released from the cheerleader siren call and has become more concerned with the delayed snack delivery.

"Hey, what took ya so long?" Teddy asks and reaches in for a handful of fries.

"Ran into Porter," I shrug.

"Oh right," Teddy says as if he had completely forgotten he existed.

I don't want to say that I had forgotten too, but in all honesty, the exhilaration of game night did cause my date with Porter to slip my mind there for a second. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally looking forward to the dance and all, but at the same time, this game has been the game that Matt has been talking about since we were practically in diapers. All my life, I've heard nothing but how he cannot wait until his first varsity home game and how it's going to be so great and memorable and he'll never forget it for as long as he lives. Maybe I have my priorities mixed up, but Matty is my best friend, and Porter asking me to be his date came as a total surprise. I had been fully prepared to go by myself, dance with Whitney and Bridgette, have fun, and not worry about entertaining someone else. There might have even been a teeny-tiny, little bitty part of me that was holding out hope that Matt would want to go - sans Olivia - and we could joke around and have fun together, pressure-free like we always do.

"What's he up to?"

"I dunno. Watching the game like the rest of us, I guess."

My train of thought gets interrupted and my eyes shoot towards the sidelines. Mr. Purdy is leaning in next to Matt and giving him encouraging shoulder pats. I obviously can't hear what they're saying, but their body language is very reminiscent of a heartfelt pep talk. Either he's letting him down easy or he's giving him the reassurance he needs to go out there and kick some butt. Mr. Purdy slaps him on the shoulder one last time and then Matt grabs his helmet and jogs onto the field.

"Oh my God!" I shout and grab Teddy's arm to get his attention. "Look! It's Matt!"

I stand up to get a closer look and to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. And there he was clear as day, the shiny white number 7 on the back of his jersey catching the stadium lights. He joins the ranks of his team and I have to say, he does look rather tiny among the others but I have every bit of faith in him.

I wish I could say the same for the rest of the crowd. There are a few audible groans and lots of people saying "Where's Hayden?" and "What's that little Purdy kid doing on the field?" I sigh and sit back down. I can tell he's nervous by the way he digs his cleats into the ground and adjusts his helmet compulsively. I take a deep breath and try to send some positive vibes his way. Come on, Matt, you can do it. I know you can.

The second half starts but Matt doesn't really get a chance to show what he can do since none of the plays involve him. I sigh again as the ball gets turned over to the other team. Matt and the rest of the offense jog off the field defeated. We are left depending on the defense to stop yet another touchdown from the other team.

The third quarter comes and goes and the other team is still up. The clock runs down in the last quarter while we try to make a comeback. Mr. Purdy calls a time out. The team huddles up quickly and then in no time are back on the field. Less than a minute left. The ball flips to the quarterback. He does a few little dodges looking for an open player. A few yards away Matt makes a great cut behind the guy guarding him. He makes a hard sprint towards the sideline. With a quick flick of the quarterback's wrist, the ball snaps in the air and lands perfectly in Matt's arms.

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