45 - Kiersten

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Over the weeks, I watch Matt pack away his things. One by one, all the memories we made get tucked away in lifeless cardboard boxes. The boxes get taped shut, sealing everything inside and ensuring that once they're put away, they can't come back out.

At least not until he gets to his new home, where they'll likely become pleasant reminders of the past and slowly be tucked into the back of the closet to make room for everything new and exciting.

Before too long, his room is nothing but an empty shell of what it once was. The posters get taken off his walls, the rows of shirts in his closet get picked through and thrown away, and his vast collection of trading cards gets shipped first class postage to New Orleans.

Two days after Christmas and three days before his birthday, the dreaded day comes. We all pleaded with him to stay just a little bit longer, enough for us to celebrate his 16th with us, but despite our efforts, he wanted to spend it with his mom and start the new year in a new place. It was hard to enjoy any of it knowing he was going to be gone, but I did my best. We talked here and there, but it wasn't even close to being the same. And I doubt it ever will be again.

I let out a heavy sigh as I sit at my kitchen table and watch him and his dad walk in and out of the house, bringing all the cardboard boxes to the car. It hurts so much to see him go, but I can't seem to look away.

I got so sucked into my masochism that I didn't notice my dad had taken a seat next to me until I felt his comforting hand on my shoulder.

"So, the Purdy boy's really leaving, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I say sadly.

"Shame. I always liked the kid."

My head snaps to my dad in total disbelief. This is the man that forbade him from entering our front door and refused to even call him by his first name. It's so ridiculous I have to laugh.

"Could've fooled me."

"It's true," my dad laughs. "He may not have liked my rules, but he always respected them. I gotta admire the kid for it. When I was his age, I sure as hell wouldn't have. When I had my mind set on a girl, I'd have snuck through just about every window just to get five minutes alone with her."

Again, I have to laugh. That is so like him. For someone who demands respect for authority, he sure doesn't give it.

"Matt's different."

"Yeah, he sure is."

The room goes quiet. Through the window, I see Matt carry out another box. I can't help but think of all the good that's slipping away, and it makes my heart grow heavy.

"Look, Kiersten," my dad says, filling the emptiness. "This might be weird coming from your old man, but I've seen the way that boy looks at you. And you know what, I've seen the way you look at him, too. I know I can be a bulldog, but I promise, if I've ever been combative, it's because I've seen this day coming for a long time, and I wasn't ready for it. You're my baby girl, Kiers, and it's hard for me to let go. But it had to happen sooner or later, and the way I see it, he makes you happy, and that's all a dad can hope for. So if you want to go ahead and get yourself a boyfriend, he, and only he, is okay by me."

I can't help but roll my eyes a little. I mean, honestly, of course he had to wait to give me his blessing literally right as the one boy I want to date is moving 6 hours away.

"While I appreciate it, your timing is awfully convenient."

"Hey, he hasn't left yet!" My dad says and throws his hands up in playful defense.

"No, just in half an hour."

"Exactly! Plenty of time."

"You're ridiculous."

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