13 - Matt

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After practice, Sal and I wait outside the building for what feels like 45 minutes for Whitney and Bridgette as was their request. We suggested meeting them at the diner, but they wouldn't hear of it. Whitney turned her nose up at the suggestion and informed us that a lady always needs a gentleman escort. I'm not even joking. That's really what she said to us. I can't make this stuff up.

Sal and I kind of pace around a bit and twiddle our thumbs until, finally, they come out of the front door. They're both laughing and talking without a care in the world like they hadn't kept us waiting for close to an hour.

"Took you long enough," Sal jokes.

"Well, beauty takes time, Salvatore."

"Yeah, whatever. Can we go? I'm starving," I say.

"So much for gentlemen escorts," Bridgette says.

I sigh and hold out my hands. Bridgette wastes no time taking me up on my offer and drops her books right in my hands. I tuck them under my arm and gesture for her to lead the way. I may be annoyed, but I'll be damned if she tries to tell me I'm not a gentleman.

When we get to Chellie's, Kiersten and Teddy are already sitting in a booth in the back. Whitney and Bridgette slide in next to Teddy. They smile but Teddy just half-frowns and scoots out of their way. Sal and I get in on the other side with Kiersten.

Once we're settled, Ruthie Pepperdall bounces over in her diner apron and a pencil tucked behind her ear. She must have sprinted here from cheer practice. She's still got the bow in her hair and that cheek-hurting cheer smile on her face.

"Y'all ready to order?"

Sal's face immediately lights up and he perks right up in his seat like a kid on Christmas morning. And he makes fun of me.

"I don't know, what do you suggest?" Sal says, with a playful smile.

The rest of us have to resist the urge to roll our eyes. Sal has spent so much time in this diner, he practically helped make the menu. He knows what's good.

"Well," Ruthie starts and taps her pen flirtatiously against her cheek. "My favorite is the strawberry waffles."

"Strawberry waffles it is then," Sal says as he shuts his menu.

Ruthie laughs and they stare at each other for a good ten seconds before Ruthie remembers that she still has the rest of the table to wait on. She quickly jots down our orders and then turns on her heel with a flick of her perfectly fastened ponytail.

The conversation jumps back and forth, with each of us getting the chance to dictate the topic. Bridgette and Whitney talk about possibly getting new cheer uniforms. Sal tells an equally outlandish and hilarious story about how he had to rescue his little brother after he had gotten himself stuck in a tree. Kiersten tells us about some books she bought at the library book sale. I share my opinions on the state of the NFL that no one asked for but I gave anyway. And Teddy actually delivers some good news that his favorite dog is expecting puppies. Before we know it Ruthie pops back in with our food.

We all pretty much scarf down our food, except Whitney and Bridgette who actually use their knives and forks. When we're done, Sal lets us know that we shouldn't hang out too long. It's super busy tonight and his parents don't like it when we hog the tables.

"So, where should we go next?" Bridgette asks the group.

"Home?" Teddy says.

"You're welcome to do that if you'd like to, Teddy. We wouldn't miss ya," Whitney says.

Teddy sighs and actually gives in to Whitney.

"We can all go back to my place if you want," he suggests. "I can make a fire."

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