10 - Kiersten

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The next day, Matt's plan is still spinning around in my head. Reuniting his parents after 4 years apart seems totally and completely unrealistic. They've barely even talked since then. They've barely even looked at each other since then. She has a whole freaking business over there. With a sign! And an employee! And business cards! She's not gonna want to come back here.


I bury my face in my pillow and let out all my frustrations. There has to be some positives here. There's always a sunny side, isn't there. What's the phrase? Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Or something like that. I don't know. But gosh darn it, I'm gonna find it.

This calls for some serious journaling and list making. I break out my fluffy pink pen and my rainbow notebook and get to work.

Operation Get Matt Back

Mr. Purdy and Emily are still technically married. No divorce papers have been filed.
Mr. Purdy loves Emily. It's possible she loves him too.
Lake Hutton is beautiful in the summertime

...is that it? Oh boy, I think it is. Okay, not great, but I can work with it. I think. I just need to do my part. Matt asked me to keep a tab on his dad. And I have the perfect spot for it.

I sneak over to the window and pull back the curtain just enough to peek into the Purdy's yard. Just my luck, Mr. Purdy and the crew come barreling out the front door. Perfect.

Drew and Carrie sprint to the car and tear it open. Mr. Purdy lags behind, pulling Marcie kicking and screaming.

"Come on, Dad! We're gonna be late!" Drew screams at his father.

"I'm trying, bud."

Marcie gives Mr. Purdy a good kick to the gut and takes off running down the street. Mr. Purdy sighs to end all sighs and runs after her. He manages to grab her, but putting her in the car seat is a whole other story. I take pity on the poor man and decide to go down there and help. Wouldn't hurt to take a closer inspection.

"Need help?"

"Oh my God, yes. Can you please...I gotta get Drew's golf clubs."

I tell Mr. Purdy not to worry about it and go check on Marcie who is screaming and wailing her little heart out.

"What's the drama, Missy?"

"I have to go to Drew's stupid golf lessons and Daddy won't let me go to the playground."

"I told you, Marcie, there's no one to watch you," Mr. Purdy says as he chucks Drew's golf bag into the trunk and slams the door.

No one to watch her. I think to myself, what a perfect opportunity to take my spy mission to the next level.

"I can watch her!"

"Oh, thank you, you really don't..."

"It's okay," I insist. Eagerly I may add. "I don't mind really. I love spending time with the littles."

Mr. Purdy seems hesitant, but knows he could use the help and gives in.

"Thank you, Kiersten. The playground is really not far from the course. Maybe about a mile walk?"

"Sounds like a perfect little stroll! I've been really into walking lately."

Mr. Purdy nods. I can tell he's still hesitant, maybe even a little guilty.

"Okay," he relents. "Thank you. And..."

He stops for a second. I know what he's going to ask, he stops, because he feels bad asking.

"I can take Carrie, too. That's not a problem."

"Thank you, Kiersten," he says with the saddest, most heartfelt sincerity. "I really appreciate it."

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