Author Note

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Hello there my pretties, and welcome to, Mirror, Mirror. 

(Cue evil laugh!)

By the title and the cover, I'm sure you know this is a 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' retelling. I owe my love of stories to classic and some rare fairy tales from around the world, and they were what inspired me to write. My first attempt to adapt a fairy tale was The Keeper, and since then, I've been wanting to adapt another, but never really got the motivation... until the lovely Farhana Faiz, read 'The Keeper' and left me wonderful messages, asking me to write more fairy tales with my own twists on it, and thus, I found my next adaptation calling. 

The prompt I'm using is # 13: "A storm is raging outside, but you're cozy at home reading a good story. When the lights go out, you figure it's the result of the storm, but when they come back on, you've been transported into the alternative aftermath of the book you finished reading. Where are you and what happens?"

I truly don't know what possessed me to start an ONC 2021 novella, Love Bound (a Cupid story you can check out on my profile), let alone, start this second one, but whatever it was, I'm glad I did. This story surprised me already by winning Top 5 in Round One and I'm eager to see how it will go in the next round. One can only hope...

I've had fun writing this dark, grimmer version of the classic. But, I'm always open to feedback, so if you see errors, or have comments and suggestions, fire away.

Don't forget to like, follow, or leave a comment for the chapters. It will let me know if I'm on the right track with them. 🙏

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my tale. Hope you'll like it.

P.S. This is a Wattpad exclusive story. If you're reading it on any other platform then you're reading a stolen copy and are probably inviting malware into your device. Please stop! Read it only on Wattpad and support the actual author who wrote this, me (@evacharya)!

Also, if you see it elsewhere please inform me. Thank you.

*     *     *

All names, characters, and incidents portrayed are entirely the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events and localities is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be copied, distributed or rewritten without express written consent from the author, Eva Acharya, aka. me.

The book cover and graphics are made using CanvaPro.

The book cover and graphics are made using CanvaPro

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