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Snow White's army gathered a safe distance from the edges of the Red Forest well before the break of dawn

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Snow White's army gathered a safe distance from the edges of the Red Forest well before the break of dawn. As the first light of day broke through the cover of clouds, the horns blew along her line, signifying a battle was about to begin.

It was a chilly way to greet the morning in Ruby's eyes as they dressed her in an armour Sir Bashful's personal armourer had rushed out for her.

The new maid slid the chain mail over her gambeson and clasped the breastplate on as Ruby listened to the distant horns. They sounded melodious if they weren't forbearing death. As the maid secured her gauntlet to her hands; greaves and cuisses to her legs, Ruby had a sense this was not a fight many would return from.

The last thing to go on was her helmet. The significance of the armour already weighed on Ruby, and the day hadn't even begun yet.

"Has Lady Evergreen returned?" Ruby asked as the maid secured her sword at her hip.

"No, milady. Not last I knew."

"Please let me know as soon as she arrives. She said she should be back today."

"Aye, milady. Was there anything else you needed?"

I could use a hug right now. Ruby shook her head. "No, that'd be all. Thank you. Fetch me when the knight requires, otherwise, you may go."

The maid bowed out of the tent with a final glance at the armoured princess. "May the fairies bless you, milady."

"And you." Ruby nodded thankfully as she stood before a crude mirror. Her reflection in the oil lamp light dusky but she stared at the armour, wishing there was some way she could hear her mum's voice, or even Robbie's. Tell them she loved them. That she'd tried her best to get back home. Or perhaps say goodbye, just in case.

Not a moment too soon, the tent opened and at its mouth stood Sir Bashful in his full military regalia. "It is time, milady."

Ruby nodded. "Just give me a moment, Bash. I'll be right out."

"As you wish."

Where are you, Millie? I need a friend.

'I'll be there when you need me, Princess.' Came Millie's reply. How?—Ruby could hardly begin to fathom. Perhaps it was just her terrified mind conjuring up dreams.

She gripped Ripper's hilt tight and with her head held high, Ruby-Rose, the daughter of Snow White, walked towards her first battle, whether she was ready or not.

The soldiers dotting the handful of grassy knolls around the Red Forest were a sight to behold. Ruby sucked in a sharp breath as their spears glinted and their halberds shone against the morning sun. Snow's banner, a snowflake upon a dark sky, fluttered in the strong wind. Snow herself was nowhere to be seen.

Ruby's grip tightened about her short-sword as she watched Sir Bashful ride along their line on an oily black stallion. She was on a smallish mare herself; her legs already aching from sitting upon it.

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