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The full force of the halberd landed on Ruby's chest. The sheer power behind Sir Happy's strike sent her flying off her mare, bowling down some soldiers, and finally, ending up, winded and unable to breathe on the cold icy ground. For a moment, all she could hear was the sound of herself suffocating, gasping for air that wasn't entering her lungs.

About her, the battle raged on. No one finished her. She was Sir Happy's mark, and as the sea parted for Moses, the terrified foot soldiers parted for the towering knight with the murderous glint in his eyes.

His sabatons shook the ground where she lay. Soon, Sir Happy was upon her, pulling down his visor so she could see his face. See his sneer. His loathing. He stepped over her with a scowl. His legs on either side of her.

His sword ready in his hand. He watched her struggle to breathe. "So a pitiful thing like you is to kill Snow White?"

Ruby gasped, her chest opening enough to allow a gulp of air.

"You're supposed to be the saviour of the realm? There are wee lads that fight better than you. Or did brother, Bashful, not trained you well enough?"

Ruby wheezed, spluttering up blood. The blow from his halberd hadn't pierced her armour, but it had certainly done some damage. She was broken and bruised inside.

Ruby's mind reeled. Panicked. I'm going to die.

"What a waste of so many men you are, but that ends now with your death, Princess." Sir Happy raised his longsword above Ruby's throat, ready to plunge, fully taking advantage of the fact that she was exposed; defenseless. Her helmet had flown off upon her landing, and so had Ripper.

Nor were her people around to save her.

Sir Happy cried out, "For Snow!" as he drove his sword down upon his victim.

The moment slowed for Ruby. She crossed her arms over her face, strangely aware of the icy wind nipping at her cheeks, at her exposed ears.

This was it. This was her last moment.

'Shield!' a strange, yet familiar voice—a whisper in the wind—commanded in her ear.

Sir Happy's sword met with her one gauntlet, and the force that met him in return blew the knight off his feet. Ruby-Rose had indeed thrown up a shield. How, she didn't know, but a strange iridescent glimmer hung above her, like the glimmer of a bubble so easily popped. 

Sir Happy sat up, helmet-less himself, holding a sword that was shattered about him. Only its hilt remained in his grip. His beguiled eyes landed on Ruby-Rose, who had somehow managed to not only repel him but blow his beloved sword into pieces.

"What is this sorcery?"

Ruby wished she knew, but whatever it was, she ordered it to 'stay', and it obeyed. The shimmering shield that looked as fragile as a bubble, wrapped around her body like a sheath.

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