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3rd Person POV

Aslaug had found had found the twins some era appropriate clothes and an empty cabin for them to reside in whilst they were stuck there. Currently, Rebekah and Kol were discussing how best to approach that problem:
"Ok, let's go over the plan." Rebekah said looking to the only big brother she had just now "We were shipwrecked after going out on a boat trip off the coast of Oslo-"
"Which is where we are from." Kol filled in.
"Right. First problem - what if King Ragnar knows the current king of Oslo? I don't even know what the names of our great times what? 4 or 5 grandparents names were."
"Compulsion?" Kol offered.
"Ok. Next, we're human."
"Yes, yes... wait what?! I didn't think you were serious about that earlier. A brand new enemy we know nothing about, not even his name, walked into our home and sent us 1216 years into the past and to a different continent! Now is not the time for you to play out your human life fantasy!" Kol exclaimed getting angry and his eyes darkening. Rebekah simply stared into his eyes not backing down "I am completely aware that we are 1216 years into the past which is why I suggested acting human - people weren't exactly impressed by the supernatural then - I am trying to keep them from burning us at the stake!"
"Oh please! That was only Christians who done that. These are Vikings, their Queen is a volva-"
"Yes, and what did Viking Kings, Queens, Earls and Jarls do to more powerful threats - they killed them!"
"We can't be killed!"
"Says the original vampire who died twice." Rebekah snapped. Kol did not look impressed, in fact he looked absolutely raging mad at his twin. He walked away from Rebekah, putting distance between them. She knew what he was doing, he was trying to control his temper and stop himself from lashing out at her. Rebekah continued "We could've used your earlier plan of saying we were gifted by Hel - which is true - but the Lothbroks are descended from Odin and they don't have super speed, strength, enhanced healing abilities or drink blood. So I don't think that would've been enough to cover for us."
"What do we do for our food source then? We'll still need blood." Kol pointed out looking over at her again. "We do what we normally do - snatch, eat, erase." Rebekah told him, holding her hand out "I'm sorry Kol, I just don't want you to die again."
"I'm sorry too." He said pulling her in for a hug.
"Why? You done good, you didn't even break anything." She praised him "We should probably try to not change anything that is supposed to happen." Kol looked at her funny "What?"
"Did you watch some movies from Josh's collection?"
"Well I still had to catch up on some stuff I missed from my 90 year nap." Rebekah replied and Kol laughed silently.

A short while later, the twins went to the hut Aslaug told them the seer lived in:
"Kol Mikaelson and Rebekah Mikaelsdottir." The Seer stated as they came through the door. "You've heard of us?" Kol questioned. "Yes, you 2 are the talk of the town." The twins looked disappointed, hoping he knew of them because they weren't supposed to be there "But, the gods told me about the 2 of you before I overheard the gossipers." Now they looked intrigued. "You 2 are out of your time."
"Can you help us get back?" Rebekah asked. "No, child. The only magic I can do is to help me look into the future. I can't send you through time and space."
"Well, maybe you could look into the future to see how we would achieve getting back home and give us a few hints?" Kol suggested slightly annoyed. The Seer was silent for a few moments "No, the gods think that would be cheating - they want to see you and your family accomplish this own your own."
"Our family?"
"Are they here too?" Rebekah and Kol questioned in succession.
"No. They are still where you came from. The lack of belief from humans in the future makes it harder for the gods to see on Midgard. They are actually quite happy to have you here."
"That's great, but we're not planning on sticking around any longer than we have to." Kol said unimpressed.
"Did you or the gods see what happened to us? Do you know his name?" Rebekah quizzed. The Seer went quiet again, talking to the gods "His name is Sahjan, he is an old time shifter demon. Apparently, there is a prophecy that your someone from your family will kill him. He sent the 2 of you here so your family would be more focussed on finding you than killing him." Kol scoffed "Clearly he doesn't know Niklaus very well." Rebekah was slightly upset knowing there was some truth to Kol's remark "Well, we're off to see if Aslaug can contact Freya - 1216 years in the future - should be fun."
"Oh tvíburar! A word of advice, stick to the old ways." The twins were slightly confused by the Seer's vague remark.

Kol and Rebekah entered the great hall were Aslaug was still conducting her daily business and attending to her subjects "Ah tvíburar! Is everything to your liking?"
"Yes Queen Aslaug, you are a very gracious host." Rebekah replied. "We spoke to the Seer and were hoping to borrow your abilities now." Kol added. "Oh yes, of course. Come with me." She took them through the back to her and Ragnar's living room were her cauldron and other volva supplies were. Rebekah looked at Kol sceptically, knowing he would have knowledge about this type of magic. 'It's fine. A bit cliche, but it's part of it. We'll let Aslaug try it her way first, if that doesn't work I have some ideas.' Kol mentally explained.

After Aslaug failed to contact Freya the old fashioned way Kol took charge and compelled her to do as he said. "What's your plan, big brother of 4 minutes?"
"Well, I believe since there are extra forces working against us, we should double our chances of contacting Freya. Give me your M necklace."
"Am I ever going to see this again?" Rebekah asked as she handed it over almost reluctantly. "Yes. Hopefully in 2019 rather than 803."
"So that's a probably not anytime soon." Rebekah muttered under her breath. Meanwhile, Kol was grabbing a parchment and writing some key information on it; including, where and when they are, and the name of their latest enemy.

"Ok darlings, first plan. Bex come here." Kol beckoned his sister over, taking her hand and biting into it - before curling her palm around her necklace, making sure it dug in to keep the blood flowing. Returning to the compelled queen, Kol told Aslaug what to say for the spell; explaining (mainly to Rebekah) that it would imprint a memory of hers to show Freya what was happening, provided they could send it to her.

"Did it work?" Rebekah questioned, opening her eyes after the chanting stopped. "Well the necklace is gone..." Kol answered before trailing off. "But you don't know if it actually worked." Rebekah filled in and he nodded.

"Just in case it didn't. A classic. We'll send her a magical note." Once again, Kol compelled Aslaug to complete a spell she had never done before in a language she didn't know.

Just like the necklace, the note was gone whether Freya received either of them remained to be seen.

Volva = witch
tvíburar = twins

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