A New Visitor

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Meanwhile, another visitor had arrived in Kattegat, Harbard, a wanderer with many great stories about the gods who had captured the attention of Aslaug and Helga whilst Siggy remained suspicious due to his very detailed stories and his asking of the twins from Oslo. Harbard also told the three women stories of immortal creatures who would carry the Viking ways with them for all eternity.

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After the fight everyone returned to the camp to bury their dead during which Kol took the opportunity to run far away with Rebekah where they would not be disturbed by the humans. Stopping at a clearing he let go of her arm and rounded on her shouting "What the hell happened to let's not change anything?!"
"I couldn't just let that innocent child die over a stupid girl's stupid decision!" Rebekah defended showing her humanity which Kol chuckled at.
"Do you have any idea what you've done? Thorunn was Bjorn's first wife meaning he gets married again, probably after the breakdown of their relationship due to losing their child in battle. What happens when that kid doesn't die?"
"You don't know that's how it actually happened." Rebekah pointed out.
"Well it seems like a pretty good guess." Kol spat before sighing "Whatever, it's done now. What happens in Josh's films after they change something in the past?"
"Uhh, things normally go wrong." Rebekah admitted sheepishly.
"Great." Kol deadpanned.
"But by the end of the movie it all works out and they get to go home." Kol did not look impressed. "Fantastic. Let's hope Freya's having better luck than us."

The twins returned to the camp still not knowing what else to do other than live out their childhood fantasy until they or their older siblings found a way to bring them home. Princess Kwenrith came looking for Kol and presented her younger brother, Burgred, to him asking Kol if he could detect any magic that has been used on him. Spying an opportunity to try and discover any magic that could help them Kol graciously agreed to help and recommended that Kwenrith should leave for the process claiming that it would be too hard for her to watch. After she left Kol compelled Burgred asking "Is there any magic in this kingdom?"
"Yes, there are many magics from Satan placed here to try and divert us from the righteous path." Burgred automatically replied.
"Kol, this is a waste of time." Rebekah interjected at the puritan style response.
"Shh, I'm not giving up until I get something useful out of him." The older twin stated. "Have you ever seen Satan or one of his disciples."
"Your sister believes your uncle used some magic on you to convince you to fight for him, did he?"
"No, he just promised that I would be king after he died."
"Shallow." Rebekah commented.
"Have you heard of the plant known as vervain?"
"Why are you asking that?" Rebekah spoke up.
"Shh. Answer the question."
"Yes, supposedly it protects you from evil creatures and their ailments."
"That's all. You will not remember any of this and you will tell your sister that you are free from any magic you uncle had used on you." Kol instructed sending Burgred on his way.
"Why did you ask about vervain?" Rebekah said as he finally looked at her.
"I thought I smelled it at Ecbert's villa."
"It supposedly 'protects you from evil creatures'." Rebekah quoted.
"Except those evil creatures won't be created for another 200 years." Kol finished thinking the same thing.
"So why would they need to know that?" Rebekah asked. Kol shrugged saying "I don't know but I don't think it was an accident that we were sent here."

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Back in Kattegat, some fishermen had found the bodies of people Kol and Rebekah have killed and thrown in the ocean to get rid of the evidence and as they returned the blood-empty bodies to the shore for their families to collect Siggy and Aslaug remembered Harbard's stories about the immortal creatures who came to towns and fed on the locals' blood.

Siggy was so concerned she paid a visit to the Seer and asked about Harbard who even the Seer was confused by as the gods wouldn't show him anything about the odd man. Siggy moved on to ask what the Seer knew about the twins and despite not being able to portray emotion well on his face Siggy could tell he was nervous. The Seer told Siggy the twins cover story but she wasn't convinced and pressed harder for information - just as the Seer was going to tell her the truth he received a painful migraine from the gods and a voice in his head ordering him not to.

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