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Back at the camp, the wounded were being tended to including Thorunn although her injuries were not as severe as they should have been had Rebekah not intervened.

The Mikealson twins were busy listening into a multitude of conversations as they tried to find something useful, perhaps someone else had heard of vervain. Instead, the only interesting conversations they heard were Floki and Ragnar clashing over helping the Saxons and Ragnar berating Bjorn for letting Thorunn fight whilst pregnant.

"Find anything interesting?" Kol asked Rebekah when they met again in the middle of the camp having been stationed on either side to pick up anything else further away.
"Other than Princess Kwenrith peeing on Ragnar, no." She said disgusted. Meanwhile, Kol just shook his head annoyed at the old fashioned versions of medicine and magic. "We need to find a real witch. Not Christians who believe everything strange is the devil, not a local volva, not a seer with useless prophecies, a real witch like Mother."
"And where do you suppose we find one in the 800s? It's not like we can put a Craigslist advert out." Rebekah retorted.
"We have super speed. We can run up and down this country until we find one. Hell, we can walk across water like the stupid Christian god."
"And how do you suppose we sneak away to do that after you volunteered us for a Viking raid?" Rebekah questioned. "Even when most are asleep there will still be some keeping watch."
"That's what compulsion is for."
"Thought you didn't want to change anything else." At Rebekah's reminder both of the twins went quiet. "Speaking of..." Kol started.
"I haven't heard or seen anything drastically terrible happening as a result."
"Yet." Kol reminded her.
"She's still injured enough maybe it's not as big a change as we thought. Things might still happen as they are supposed to."
"Let's hope."

/ /

Once the wounded were given immediate care, the battalion was ready to return the the royal villa where they were reunited with those who went to farm and King Ecbert who hosted a celebration.

As the celebration died down and turned into a more mellow celebration with only the important people drinks were passed out with Kwenrith's orders not to drink them until after her speech and toast. However, due to their heightened vampire senses Kol and Rebekah could smell the poison in the drinks but one flavour stood out to them. Vervain.

"Okay, I do not like this." Kol said scanning his eyes over the people in the room some of who he felt like they were watching them.

Although, during Kwenrith's speech it became clear to the twins who the posison was intended for. "Salutations, brother." Burgred was the first and only person to drink from their chalice whilst everyone else clapped at the reunited siblings. As Kwenrith poured her drink on the floor shock filled Burgred, King Ælla, Lagertha, Rollo and King Ecbert's faces. Kol looked down to repress a smirk as Burgred stumbled away from his sister.
"Please rise and raise your cups to the sole and only ruler of Mercia." Queen Kwenrith demanded after her brother had taken his last breath.
"To the Queen of Mercia." Ragnar toasted.
"To the Queen." Ecbert echoed. "To the Queen." Ælla reluctantly repeated. Although, nobody drank to their toast instead pouring them on the floor before throwing the metal chalices away.

"Any you thought me sticking you in a witch's body was harsh." Kol muttered to Rebekah.
"Don't get any ideas, brother." She warned him.

Kol approached the new Queen of Mercia:
"Queen Kwenrith, I'm curious as to what poison you used on your brother." Kol questioned. "I don't believe I've ever seen one so fast acting."
"Just some natural herbs that aren't good for the body or soul." She almost laughed.
"Fascinating. Did you make it yourself?"
"No. One of Ecbert's cooks knew the recipe."
"Interesting. Forget we ever discussed this." He compelled her.

"How do you know she isn't on vervain?" Rebekah asked her twin once he rejoined her.
"Because everyone just poured out their drinks." Kol replied obviously.
"What if the cook gave her some earlier?" Rebekah suggested.
"Well, I'm about to have a chat with Ecbert's cooks so I will find out." Kol starts to take off but Rebekah puts her hand out to stop him. "No, I'll go. It's more believable that a woman would retire to her bedchambers early than a man."
Kol almost looked disappointed but slowly nodded agreeing with her thinking. "Go. You know how to reach me if something goes wrong."
"Same here." Rebekah reminded/warned him.

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