Setting Sail

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3rd Person POV

The was a feast in the great hall that night for the departing villagers who were going to claim the land given to King Ragnar by King Ecbert the next morning.

The twins overheard the notable men of the village discussing their women problems: "Some things never change." Kol commented. Rebekah flinched when she heard Torstein complain about impregnating 2 women. Kol reached out to touch her arm to try to comfort her noticing the same annoyed/sad look he had seen on his baby sister for a millennia: "You're right Kol, some things never do change." Rebekah stated, her words having a double meaning - the fact that this still happened to people in 2019 and the fact that she still couldn't have that problem. Rebekah turned away and grabbed a drink "Try not to kill him." Kol jokingly warned and knowing she wanted to sulk on her own he said "I'm off to mingle."
"Don't kill anyone." Rebekah said seriously over her shoulder as he walked off.

A short while later there was some commotion and cheers coming from the entrance to the great hall gaining the twins attention, particularly Rebekah's. "Oh my gods!" She exclaimed and feeling Kol walk up behind her to watch over her shoulder, she continued to express her excitement "That must be Lagertha."
Kol didn't say anything instead he just smirked at his twin and tried to hold in his laughter. Rebekah looked back and saw this "Shut up Kol. You were just as excited to meet Ragnar."
"Well then, let's go meet her." Kol said grabbing her wrist and pulling her along.

Bjorn saw the twins walking towards them "Mother, this is Kol Mikaelson and Rebekah Mikaelsdottir, they washed up on our beach today from a shipwreck. They are staying in Kattegat until they can safely return home to Oslo."
"It is a pleasure to meet you Earl Ingstad." Kol greeted.
"Yes, we have heard many great stories of your prowess in battle. It is truly an honour to be in your presence Lagertha." Rebekah added.
"Thank you, you are too kind. Welcome to Kattegat but I hope you don't have to stay here too long."
"Oh, you and us both." Kol agreed.
"Well you will have plenty of time and space to explore Kattegat in the next few weeks as we leave for Wessex in the morning." Bjorn informed them. "Oh you're going on a raid." Kol said happily.
"No, I'm afraid this visit is a little more peaceful. We are going to claim the land promised to us by King Ecbert." Lagertha explained making Kol drop his maniacal smile.
"Although there will be some fighting and raiding, right?" Bjorn checked with his mother, he was young and itching to gain some of the glory his parents had achieved. "Probably." She admitted causing Kol's face to light up in joy again.


Rebekah had seen exactly where Kol's mind was heading.

"We should come with you."


Lagertha laughed before realising Kol was serious "Are you two even trained?"
"Of course, our father is famous in our village for his battle skills,"

'Please stop talking.'

"He has trained us all well, in fact it feels like we've been training for 1000 years."

'Shut up!'

"I wouldn't want to delay you in getting home." Lagertha stated. "Yes Kol, getting home is important, remember?" Rebekah said out loud, glaring at her twin. "Yes, but there's not much we can do here, we will just have to wait for our siblings to come and get us. Plus, you know how restless I can get not having something to focus on," his voiced moved to a whisper only Rebekah who hear with her vampire hearing "and no people to kill." The twins moved their conversation to a telepathic one:

'They are going for peace, Kol, not to massacre entire towns of Saxons.'
'I know that's what they said, but how often do these thing go to plan. Some is better none. Come on, it'll be fun.'
Rebekah clicked her tongue a few times thinking it over "Fine."
"I win." Kol said dramatically.

The Next Morning

Everyone was very happy to be leaving, especially Floki; he practically skipped down the deck with his belongings and supplies before clapping Rollo on the shoulder saying "I'm so happy we're leaving." Floki jumped into the ship Bjorn was preparing, hugging him and repeating "You don't understand how happy I am that we're leaving."
As he and Torstein stashed their belongings Floki mocked him over his predicament with the 2 expectant mothers who were looking on along with the rest of the village.
"Yes, well, some of us have to bring our problems with us." Bjorn complained looking over at Thorunn on another boat. He left to try one last time to convince her not to come with them, but as always he failed. She stormed past him and joined the boat she and Bjorn's family would be travelling in. Ragnar and Lagertha saw her join them: the former just glared at his son; but his mother stuck her arm out to stop Bjorn from walking further down the dock asking "She wanted to come?"
"I could not stop her. Reminds me of someone else I know." He replied with a smile with Lagertha matched.

"You've always wanted to do this, haven't you?" Rebekah asked Kol feeling something almost like happiness radiating off of him.
"Maybe a little. It's not like you haven't thought about it. Remember, 'Elijah, Nik, Kol, please teach me to fight like father teaches you. It's not fair!'" Kol mimicked from their human days.
"Well, lucky for me that you've never followed a rule in your entire life." She said before smiling gratefully at her twin.

Soon everyone was ready to leave and the villagers including Torstein's 2 pregnant girlfriends, Queen Aslaug and her and Ragnar's young children all waved goodbye.

Nei = no

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