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-"Lost and Found" By Iration

-"If I Lose Myself" By OneRepublic

I reached in the hat and pulled out the first thing my hand touched. As I looked down at it, I smirked. It was a pin shaped like a star, and I knew that could only represent one person.

I glanced over at Vik, who was sitting on the couch. He was frozen, staring down at his lap with a blush on his face, which made me grin. He was cute when he was embarrassed.

Let's just say I had a small crush on him. He was so sweet, and he was awkward as hell, but in an adorable way. He was the only other person that knew about my real name besides Simon.

"You and me, Vikkstar," I teased. My smile broadened when his face turned even redder.

"You heard her, Vik," JJ laughed. "Get on in there. Maybe you'll finally get some. Don't be afraid to go all out."

I threw a glare at JJ for making fun of Vik, but he didn't acknowledge it, so I just sighed and started towards the closet. I noticed Josh go up to Vik and say something to him, so he nodded and followed me inside. The door closed behind us and locked, marking the start to our seven minutes. He was tense, so I sighed and leaned against the wall at the back of the closet, sitting on the floor. I felt him sit down next to me.

"So..." I started awkwardly.



I sighed and smiled. "How was the recording this afternoon? Sorry I didn't come watch, but I'm not too sure it would've been that interesting for me."

I heard him chuckle, relieved that I'd started a conversation. "You mean you don't like watching us nearly puke our guts out?"

I giggled. "Whose idea was it to do 'Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts?'"

"JJ's," He shifted a little and I felt his shoulder brush against mine. "Seems he comes up with all the bad ideas in the group."

I frowned, but leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed. He didn't tense up like I expected him to, so I stayed leaning against him.

He didn't feel the same way as I did. I should've guessed. It was true, Seven Minutes in Heaven was a bad idea, but I figured he wouldn't say that to my face if he liked me.


I sighed again. Cassie was closer to my real name than Casey, and Vik was the only one that called me that. He only did it when no one else was around. "Mhm?"

"Just making sure you didn't fall asleep on me," He let out a shaky breath.

"Wanna make out?" I asked out of the blue. It was worth a shot.

"I...uh, what? want to—"

"You're such a dork," I smiled to mask my disappointment. "All you have to say is no, Vik."

He went quiet for a minute. "What if I said yes?"

"I'd say you were just saying it to be nice," I nudged him. "Don't sweat it. I love talking to you, so these seven minutes should go by pretty quick. Then I'm off to bed. Besides, doing that would only give JJ what he wants."

"I want to," He turned to look down at me, so I raised my eyebrows and lifted my head from his shoulder. He continued. "I have for a while."

"Really?" I widened my eyes. Did he really feel the same way as me? That would be crazy.

He nodded, putting a hand on my cheek and looking into my eyes. I bit my lip, and the motion caused his eyes to flicker down. He stared at my lips. "Can I kiss you, Cassie?"

I rolled my eyes and reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him towards me. Our lips met, and it was exactly how I imagined it would be. The kiss was soft and sweet, and he pulled me onto his lap when we pulled away for air.

I straddled him, not able to contain the grin on my face. He was smiling, too, and he put his hands on my legs before leaning in and kissing me again. Our lips moved in sync, almost robotic. Nothing too crazy or sloppy. When we pulled away again, I leaned my forehead against his.

"I'm glad it was you," I giggled as I said this, climbing off of him and sitting next to him once again. "I don't think I would have survived if it were JJ."

He chuckled. "JJ was probably hoping for it to be him. I thought for sure he'd rigged it."

"That does sound like something he would do."

He sighed. "I'm never going to hear the end of it if that door opens and we aren't half naked on the floor."

"If we aren't?" I asked. "Why's that?"

"Any one of them would have wanted to come in here," He muttered. "It's crazy how much they talk about you. It gets on my nerves. They'd call it a waste."

I widened my eyes. "Really? Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?"

He shrugged. "Because everyone is too scared to say anything."

I bit my lip. That was crazy. "Huh."

He slung an arm around my shoulder and I sighed, leaning against him and closing my eyes.

"Don't worry, Vik, you're my favorite."

He chuckled, and we stayed in that position until JJ opened the door.

"Oh come on," He whined. "Nothing? You two are so boring."

I giggled and let Vik help me to my feet. When JJ walked away in disappointment, Vik turned to me.

"How about a date?" He asked me. "Friday night?"

I kissed his cheek. "Sure thing."

I patted his shoulder before walking away, grinning and going straight to my room. What a way to end the night.

Let me know how I did! Did I capture their personalities well so far? Thanks for reading!

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