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-"Take You Dancing" By Jason Derulo

-"I'm Yours" By Jason Mraz

I pulled out an object and stared at it as I saw what it was. It was an airpod case, and I tilted my head at it. This could represent literally most of them.

"Harry," JJ muttered. He gave Harry a weird look before looking down at me. "Have fun."

Oh. Because he wore airpods when recording most of the SidemenReacts videos.

"I'm not doing this," Harry said from his spot close to the closet.

Though I didn't know the guy that well, I still frowned at his refusal to participate. While I didn't want to play, either, I was disappointed that I wasn't good enough for him. He was clearly impossible to please.

"Yes you are," Ethan said matter-of-factly. "Because the faster you get it over with, the better."

"'Get it over with?'" I glared at Ethan before storming over to Harry and grabbing his wrist. "I'll show you just how good I am."

Harry protested, but didn't push me away from him like he easily could have. Once I brought him in the closet, I closed the door behind us and didn't waste any time grabbing his face in my hands and smashing my lips against his.

He hummed in surprise and froze, unsure of how to react to what I just did. I pulled away from him after a second or two, and, grateful that it was dark, I blushed and stepped back a couple of steps before deciding to lean against the wall. "There. How was that?"

I couldn't see him, but I heard him chuckle after a moment. He spoke in a low voice. "I've had better."

"You—you're—ugh, great. Now I look like an idiot, nice going. That's what you wanted, isn't it?"

He chuckled. "I get the feeling you did that just as an excuse to kiss me."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Do me a favor and don't talk about it."

"What, you're embarrassed?" My eyes adjusted to the dark, and I noticed him smirk. "You're upset that I didn't like the kiss."

I scoffed. "You're picky for someone who's literally the worst at talking to women."

He narrowed his eyes and ran a hand through his messy blond hair. He knew I was right. He was the youngest of all of them, and his birthday was only a week before mine. I felt like I could relate with him the most since we were so close in age, but we hadn't talked enough to know too much. All I knew was that unless it was with me, his luck with girls was nonexistent. They found him too crazy and boyish.

"Fair enough."

We went quiet for a minute, and he sighed. "This is so annoying. Why don't you like me, Casey? I'm not a jerk to you like JJ or anything. So what is it?"

I shrugged, looking down at my feet. Why did I hate him so much? He never really gave me much reason. Though he had a weird way of showing it, he seemed to care about me. So what about him annoyed me?

"Ah, yes, the silent treatment," Harry muttered. "Why not call it, Seven Minutes in Awkward Silence?"

There it is. It was the sarcasm. "Could you even spend five minutes without being sarcastic? What are you, ten?"

"Ten out of ten, baby," I saw his grin even in the dark. I sighed.

"If you really believe that, why don't you just make out with yourself  for seven minutes?" I snapped.

"Because I was fortunate enough to get locked in here with an eleven."

I raised an eyebrow, trying to ignore the blush that was definitely spreading on my face. "Smooth. Why don't you use that on girls you actually find attractive? You—"

"Woah," He interrupted me and took a step towards me. "When did I say that?"

"Say what?"

"That I don't find you attractive?"

I blushed, looking down at the ground. "Do you?"

When he rested his hands on my hips, my heart stopped. I didn't realize he'd stepped forward right in front of me until I stared into his bright blue eyes. He leaned down so that his lips were inches from mine, and my breath hitched. The look in his eyes made my heart flutter.

I closed my eyes, an invitation for him to lean the rest of the way in and connect our lips. As he did, sparks flew, and feelings I didn't know I had were released in that moment. As his lips moved with mine, one of his hands went down to the back of my thigh, pulling it up against his side as the other one remained on my waist.

I put my hands on his shoulders, raising an eyebrow when he ran his tongue along my bottom lip. I kept my mouth closed, though, and he pressed me further into the wall, earning him a quiet moan from me. When he suddenly squeezed my thigh, I yelped, and the motion was enough for him to slip his tongue into my mouth.

He let go of my leg and slid his hands up, underneath my shirt and rubbing the small of my back. As his hands trailed up to my bra, though, my eyes snapped open, almost as if I had broken out of a trance.

I tried pushing him away from me, but clearly wasn't bright enough to realize that his arms were wrapped around me. He lost his balance and fell backwards, onto the floor and me on top of him. He pulled away from me and raised an eyebrow, opening his eyes.

"Ouch. What did you go and do that for?"

"I, uh," I tried pushing myself up, but struggled, since we were still intertwined. "I think that's enough, don't you?"

"Me, personally? No. But if that's how you feel, I'll respect that," He helped me to my feet. "Did I do something wrong?"

I raised my eyebrows and turned red. "What? No. No, that was...uh, great, but you're...well, you, and I'm just regular old me. I didn't want you to do something you'd regret."

"Regular old you? Are you kidding? I spend hours watching your painting videos. Of all of the artists I know of, you're the only one I've seen that's prettier than her paintings."

I bit my lip to cover my grin. "I never took you for a romantic. Though, realistically, how many artists do you know on YouTube?"

He smirked. "Well, I know of Bob Ross..."

"Have you seen him? He was a masterpiece back in his day."

He chuckled. "Don't ruin the moment, Casey. What are you, ten?"

"I thought I was an eleven."

At that, he grinned. "You sure are."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close, teasing him by lightly brushing my lips on his and running my hands under his shirt. I drew circles on his back with my fingers.

I saw a hint of lust in his eyes, but he didn't lean the rest of the way to connect our lips. Instead, he pulled me right against him, leaning down and trailing kisses from my jaw down my neck. When he reached my collarbone, I tensed, and he chuckled into my skin.

The door to the closet swung open at that, and Harry quickly pulled away from me. He whirled around and we both met eyes with Tobi, who had the largest grin on his face. "I knew it! It was too quiet in here."

"We didn't do anything!" I started to stammer, and I looked at Harry with a look that asked him for help. He winked at me.


I widened my eyes and blushed as Harry left the closet, leaving me and Tobi looking at each other. He was grinning, and I just scoffed before pushing past him.

But I couldn't contain the smile forming on my face.

Boom! I thought this chapter was pretty cute, but the next one was my favorite one to write. I suggest you read it.

Sidemen Seven Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now