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I'm about to lose my mind,
You've been gone for so long,
I'm running out of time. . .


   Marching away from my palace with a heavy heart, I head to Anteros' abode. He can be the worst person at understanding what true love is but he is my brother and I need his help.

Nigeria is a very big place for one god to find Óshún, in good time. As it stands, I do not have time on my side, the reason for visiting my brother.

Like a crazy plan from the  universe, the streets have been empty through out today. A few hours ago, the trees, it's glorious setting  and the emptiness of the streets brought divine joy and calmness to my soul. Until the wind decided to warn me of my impeding doom.

Like on cue, the winds return. Singing it's song again and again. Reminding me of the pain I have to live with until I find my beloved.

Lifting the elm of my cape in anger, I cover my ears and walk even faster.

"Silly wind! You don't have to keep pointing it to my face!" I shout at it, earning a louder tune that sounds more like shrieking birds than the soft echo the wind is supposed to send.

My muscles relax when I reach the entrance to Anteros' home. Greeting the servants as I reach them. One of the servants leads me to Anteros' favourite waiting chamber.

I should not even be following this protocols because Anteros doesn't as much as return them. Whenever he decides to pay me a visit, he walks in like he owns the place, just like my mother.

"Ah! Look who decided to finally come check on his big brother?" Anteros' voice booms in the hall, as he comes to give me a welcoming embrace.

"Brother," I say, leaning into him.

"If it isn't the heartbroken god of love himself," he begins with a smile, after we both settle into the comfortable seats in his waiting chamber. "Wait, isn't that suppose to be impossible? God of love with a broken heart?" He furrows his brows and places a tapping hand on his nose. A silly act if you ask me, but this is no time to ponder on his silly actions.

How does he even know about the situation?. . .Mother!

"Brother, don't tell me you have stooped as low as aligning with mother!" I ask, hoping he gives a negative answer.

The last thing I need is for my brother to also be against my love. I need someone on my side and he is the only option on my platter.

Rather than respond immediately, he adjusts the elms of my cape, muttering something about proper dressing etiquettes to himself, as he does this. When he finishes, he claps his hands softly, as a sign for one of his servants to join us.

"Get us something to drink," he softly whispers to her. The girl turns rosy pink on the cheeks but nods and scurries away.

If I didn't know better, I would have questioned him. But, I do know better and that is, my brother just used his powers on the poor girl.

Subliminal seduction.

As the girl leaves, he turns his attention to me again. "Now, let me remind you in case it has escaped your love brains, I am the god of passion," he says, repositioning himself on the seat.

"It's true I find your attraction to Óshún strange but I'll never connive with mother and send her running into the arms of some human. It will be a malefaction! If it makes you feel better, I enjoy the fruit of ecstasy your passion bears," he says, placing his hands delicately on his knees and watches me with extra intrigue.

"Just like you enjoy taunting your servants," I reply, raising my left brow questioningly at him.

"Oh never mind that! It's just a little thing I do for fun around here." His handsome olive face bursts into a brilliant smile as he waves off the idea.

He really does enjoy taunting his servants.

The servant in question, returns with two glasses and a wine bottle. She places the items on the side table close to the seat I and my brother currently occupy. Her cheeks still retain a hint of pink as she works yet she remains awfully calm. It must be a regular occurrence around here, for her to be handling it this well.

She pours the drink into the glasses and takes four steps away from us.

"Agatha, you may return. I'll manage it from here," he says to the girl. This time his voice is on a normal pitch, without his powers. The poor girl gives a quick curtsey and leaves our presence.

"Now that we are comfortable, you can tell me why you are here," he says, his smile never dimming.

"I need your help."

"Do you need female company?" He questions, his green eyes sparkling with excitement and mischief.

"No. I don't need help with that. I want help getting Óshún back," I say through my teeth anger brewing within me.

How can he think I want a  passionate moment with some female?

How is this man my brother again?

"Calm down Love-brain, that was a joke," he says, chuckling. "How do you propose, we get her back? I heard she scampered off to earth."

One of the already existing cracks on the surface of my heart extends as the question settles in my brain, returning the pain I had successfully tamed.

Reading my pain, he stretches his right hand and places it over my left, tracing invincible lines along the surface, in order to calm me.

"We need to visit earth," I say, looking into his eyes that has this affinity attached to them when one stares for too long.

I know I am asking too much of him. No god should visit earth on their own or they'll be lost forever to its wonders.

The risk is even higher for Anteros because humans are very passionate beings and Anteros lives on that passion. He practically drinks it.

Olympus only give him the filtered echoes, but on earth he'll have it all, raw, tempting and alluring. Returning him will be very hard. But I have no other choice. He is the only one who can help me.

"What did you say, Cupid?" he asks, a frown growing on his handsome face, causing a break in air intake within my lungs.

I have angered him.

"Please Anteros, she'll get lost down there. I need to go get her but even I need someone to keep me in check. And that someone is you." I plead with him, hoping he doesn't get too angry.

He springs up from his seat, "Perfect!"  He exclaims, earning a mixed glare from me.

Is he angered?

"Perfect, you are coming or perfect, Cupid has finally gone mad?" I ask unsure of his decision.

"Fatuous boy! Do you know how much I have wanted to go down there?" He places his hands on his sculptured waist, excitement dancing in his eyes, "this—dear brother— is the perfect excuse to finally go taste all those ecstasy in their pure form! Do you even know how many human have sexual copulation in twenty-four hours?"

"No, I do not know such things," I state, given him an irritated look and trying hard to hide my grin.

"You know nothing. You haven't visited earth for centuries! What can you know?" He asks more to himself than to me.

A light bulb flicks in his head as his smile brightens the chamber and he asks, "when do we leave?"

"Right now."



Cupid and Anteros are coming to Nigeria, we have to get the Jollof rice ready!😁

Thank you guys for reading, I truly appreciate you all❤

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