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To think I might not see those eyes

Makes it so hard not to cry. . .


We are on earth, but in the wrong part of Earth.

"Brother, why are we in London?" I demand.

I told him before he took the coin from me that Óshún- my wife is in Lagos, Nigeria.

In Africa, not in Europe!

"Wrong question dear brother," he says, strolling casually around the fountain.

He is playing a game!

"Anteros, I don't have time for this. Take me to Lagos." My patience is slowly fading and I refuse to give him want he wants. My outburst.

"You know, the statue atop this fountain is suppose to be me." He turns around and blinds me with his bright smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Is that why you brought us here?" I ask in disbelieve. "To view a statue the humans made in your honour?"

"No," he says, stepping closer to me,"the old man, did make it in my honour but these people you see here call that," he points a well manicured finger to the statue,"Eros. . .in your honour, Cupid."

I find myself looking between him and the statue in front of me, working my tired brain to figure out the point of this discussion.

"You must be wondering why I'm saying all these, yes?"

"Yes. Please explain," I urge him.

"Cupid or Eros, to these people you are a god, and a god you must remain. As we begin the search of your beloved wife, I don't want you to do something stupid-again." He glares at me and I know he is referring to my little slip with Hades.

"I really didn't mean-" I try to say, but he silences me by holding his right hand up.

"That mistake has already been committed and that's why I brought you here first. Next time you have the urge to do something fatuous, remember this statue."

This lesson he is giving me, doesn't even make any sense.

What does a wrongly named statue of his, have to do with my one slip with Hades?

Not wanting to offend him and get swoon to another part of earth for another misplaced lesson, I nod softly at his bright face.

"Good! Now I think we are ready to find your goddess." After giving me a wink, he tightens his hold on the coin and the air around us changes momentarily.

We materialize in a very elegant reception room of an hotel.

The reception room has a very high ceiling with a beautiful glass chandelier hanging from it. The colorful plants placed at specific points of the room adds to the luxury of the place.

"Who uses a brown carpet in such a place?" Anteros exclaims with distaste by my side.

The floors of the large room is covered with a brown carpet with patches of faded green flowers. With the lights of the chandelier bouncing on the material, it created a very welcoming and calming mood. But of course, Anteros will find anything in brown ugly.

"Brother it isn't that bad," I chuckle.

He looks at me with disbelief- like he expected better from me. This only makes me laugh even harder. "Brown isn't always ugly and you know it," I say in between laughs.

He scoffs and marches to the receptionist desk at the far end of the room. And that's when I sense it.

The air in this place isn't cool because of the air condition installed in it, there is something else. Someone else perhaps.

I am about to inspect my theory, when Anteros' voice interrupts me.

"Excuse me," he greets the receptionist, his bright smile returning.

"Welcome to Eko hotel and suites," she responds with a very charming voice, her eyes never leaving his.

Did Anteros do something to her?

"I am Anteros and this- here is my brother," he points begrudgingly at him, "we are to be accommodated in room 302 and 303. Can I have the keys please?" He finishes, his smile never dimming.

The girl's eyes remain on Anteros' golden orbs, as if transfixed in time, not realising he has just asked her a question.

Looking over at my brother, I see that even he seem lost to the situation. He moves his eyes to mine quickly and then back to the girl, yet she doesn't move.

"I know I'm good looking but isn't this too much? Mother will be jealous." He whispers, his smile reducing to a very proud smirk.

Now, I will not hear the end of his beauty.

Shaking Anteros' silly words from my head, I tap the desk softly to gain the girl's attention. "Hello?"

She doesn't move.

"Hey!" I tap more urgently.

"Er- huh?" She stutters, snapping out of the daze. She moves her eyes from Anteros' golden orbs to the greys of mine and almost goes into another shock.

I snap my hands in front of her eyes angrily, "keys!"

What is wrong with this girl?

She blinks continuously and searches for the key, when she does, she pushes it to me, making sure her eyes doesn't meet mine, again. "The elevator is down there," she says shyly showing us the right direction.

"Thank you," I say, picking my key and marching away from her.

Why did Anteros even make us talk to her? We could have materialized directly in our rooms and this interaction wouldn't have happened!

I stop walking, when I don't feel Anteros presence beside me anymore. Looking behind me, he is still with the receptionist.

"Are you coming or not?"

"Carry on, I need a break from this despicable carpet underneath me," he says, smiling that ever bright smile of his.

"What does the carpet have to do with your staying back?" My brain screams at me to ask him, as I narrow my eyes but I decide against it, I am too tired to do it.

"Have fun!" I say instead and resume my walk to the elevator.


The brown carpet covers every portion of the hotel, even the room, I now occupy. Anteros, will have an heart attack when he finds out about this.

Smiling to myself, I lay on the circular bed which takes up about two-third of the area, and envision Anteros' scowl.

The door opens suddenly, revealing a happy Anteros. The receptionist must have made him really happy for he hasn't noticed the carpet, yet.

"I bring great news!" He announces happily propping himself on my bed.

Raising my brow at him, "what is it?" I enquire from him.

"I think I have found, your beloved wife!"

Thank you for reading!❤

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