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. . . If you ever need saving,
I'll be running to you. . .
Anywhere that you go to.
~C. B

Seeking a legal permission from Zeus will take us more time, and that is something I don't have to spare. So, we go to the one god who care less about rules and more about breaking them, Hades.

Hades abode is one of the most beautiful houses on Olympus. From the large pool that is visible from the outside luring you deeper into his lair, to the waterfall at the centre of the area, the house was a masterpiece. The first of its kind on Olympus.

"I am presuming and I hope you know, that mother is going to decipher details of this little trip of ours," Anteros mutters, pulling me out of the dazzling clutches of Hades pool.

"She knew what she was playing at from the very beginning," I hiss returning to the large golden entrance.

I know mother and Hades were friends. But right now, I don't care. I need my wife and I will go to any length to get her back.

Holding the little locket still in my pocket, I take a deep breath and give a soft knock at the door. Hades is known to be the only god without servants- except Anubis.

I hope he doesn't send that particular creature to attend to us.

Five minutes later, the door opens revealing a pitch black reception. I turn a confuse eye to Anteros and he shrugs.

Hades is always full of surprises.

The sound of a deep baritone voice fills the dark space, asking us to proceed inside. As soon as we step in, the door closes softly behind us.

Colourful Light begins to awaken one after the other along the walls of the room, revealing an elegant setting. The walls appears black at first, but as the light continue illuminating the area, I find it to be red. Aside the dark leather seats scattered around, the eerie room is empty. No sign of it's lord. And in much relief, no sign of Anubis either.

Anteros makes to move and I hold him still, he gives me a bored look but stays put.

"Offsprings of Venus!" Hades' baritone voice fills the room once again, "to what do I owe this sudden visit?"

"Won't you at least show yourself?" Anteros asks, a smirk playing on his face.

"I beg your p-"

"Have you finally grown that despicable horn, Hades?" Anteros blurts, interrupting the god of the fucking underworld and giving me an heart attack in the process!

"Have you gone mad?" I mouth silently at him.

Hades is one of the oldest gods. Disrespect to him or his kind in any form is considered a very grievous offence.

"H-he most definitely didn't mean to say that," I say giving Anteros a disapproving look and praying to Persephone to calm her husband's nerves.

The laws might prevent him from harming us but we are in his territory and Hades isn't really known to keep the laws to the letter.

All I want is to find my wife, not start another war of the freaking gods!

A very silent moment follows and the sound of my heart becomes closely similar to the ticking sound of a time bomb.

Anteros maintains his bored expression and Hades-

A roar-no wait, laughing resonates through the red walls of the room and he appears out of nowhere, laughing his ribs out.

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