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i ran my hands down the sides of my body making sure my satin red dress was sitting perfectly on my curves. looking myself up and doing in the mirror i nodded before walking over to my bed and putting my black heels on and picking up my clutch.

leaving my room, i shut the door and went to the lounge to wait for alisa and evie. "you girls almost ready?" i yelled out.

"almost." a voice shouted back.


we got to si and jide's at about 7, before most people. but we sat around chatting and laughing with the people who were there. "talia, pass me a beer would ya?" simon sighed looking over at her in the kitchen. she threw one over which simons's spaghetti arms surprisingly ended up catching.

"he's a good catch." ethan laughed.

"cringe." i scrunched my face up at ethan who was opposite me on the couch.

"oh, shut up." he laughed over at me.

"stop bickering." evie nudged me looking up at ethan and me.

"we are joking eve." i laughed.

"what drink do you guys want?" jide said standing up.

"pink gin please." i smiled as a parade of drinks got called out.

"ok, ok."


after i while, i ended up with a pounding headache, "i need some air." i grinned at the group i was in.

"i'll come." ethan stated walking to the balcony with me as i stumbled on my own two feet. "fuck me, you're such a lightweight." ethan belly laughed.

"oh shut up." i falled back into the chair behind me.

ethan took a big glup of his drink, "nah but seriously, you okay?" he smiled which i simply nodded in reply to.

"just a bit tipsy." i giggled taking another sip of my drink.


we went back inside, went to the girls and he wandered off to the boys. the girls were all chatting but i wasn't paying any attention, i was in my own place of mind. "i'm going to go." i nudged alisa, which she nodded to in response. i smiled and wandered off to find the boys to say bye.

"jide, si, i had a lovely time but i'm off." i slurred my words slightly in result to the amount of alcohol i had had.

"oh alright flor, how are you getting home?" si asked.

"walking, it's only," i paused, "i don't know." i shrugged.

"i'm walking you back." ethan chugged his drink.

"oh my lord, why? i'll be great."

"oh, shut up flora, you're not even making sense right now." he picked up his jacket and put up on over his t-shirt. "come on now." he smiled warmly taking my arm. "bye boys."

i stumbled over the floor walking into the lift, "careful." he sighed holding me up.

we walked a few yards and i had fallen over at least six times so ethan decided to would be easier if he just booked a uber.

we stood a minute away from jide and si's waiting for the uber ethan had booked, i resulted to unintentionally staring at him, "what's wrong?" ethan let out a sigh.

"nothing." i giggled staring at his bright green eyes, looked as if they were about popped out of their sockets making me giggle even more.

"stop laughing." he groaned making me laugh even more to annoy him. "oh for fuck sake, come on the uber is here." he helped me into the uber then told the driver my addressand got in himself.

"good night?" the foreign driver smiled.

"yeah, great thank you." ethan politely replied, "a bit tired now though, how has your night been? have you been busy?"

"yeah, busy night." ethan nodded looking out the window.

"thank you." ethan smiled at the driver before helping me get out.

"anytime." the driver nodded before driving off.

"come on, let's get you upstairs." he put his arm around me holding me up, "i hate it when you are drunk." he mumbles.

"why?" i furrow my brows looking up at him.

"just do." he shrugged as we walked into the lift.

he helped me upstairs to my floor then walked me to my room, "want anything?" he spoke as i sat down on my pinned white bed covers.

"nope." i shrugged, "actually, can you stay until i go to sleep?" i sigh.

"of course flor." he smiled sympathetically at me as i pulled my duvet over me, sat beside me as i slowed shut my eyes, instantly falling into a deep sleep.



thank you for any support, means the world to me <3

this chapter is so messy

it's not for me lol

• anysooo, i hope you enjoyed •


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