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we all arrived in tomorrowland at 8am on the 3rd of september, we were all overly excited to be spending josh's birthday and the build up to simon's in our favourite festival we have ever attended, then we have an airbnb book for the 5th to the 8th before we fly back home.

i sat on the double bed i was sharing with evie, looking for something to wear for the first day of festival. i pulled out a pair on mesh material sheer black pants and a black bralette whilst evie chose a similar outfit but in white. we both quickly got dressed and topped up out makeup with glitter then went down to meet everyone at 11 as we agreed. as we left out hotel we saw callux, harry, calfreezy and stephen all stood on the opposite side of the road, waiting for us.

"hey." i softly smiled, steeping onto the footpath.

harry hugged me, "we were waiting for you two, everyone else has gone they didn't wanna wait any longer." he laughed.

"fucking hell." i laughed, "were we that long?"

"no." stephen shrugged, laughing, "can we go now though?" he groaned.

"yeah come on." lux threw his hands up and leaded us to the festival.

we walked into the festival, cal had his arms around me and evie, clearly he had had a few already, harry pulled out his phone and rang josh. then decided he couldn't hear fuck all so handed me the phone.

"hello josh, where you lot?" i shouted over the notice.

josh sighed, "me and si will come get you."

"alright." i ended the call, handing the phone back to harry.

a few minutes passed at the two ushed us over to the group, i immediately went over to alisa. "having fun?" i grinned at her.

"not really." she looked at me blankly.

"come on." i exclaimed, "festival!" i shouted at her, pulling her by her hands into the crowd of people. i bounded to the music as i walked her through, then she joined, gently moving to the beat. "i love you lise, you know that?" i smiled at her, "and i'm not even drunk." i grinned, i never told my friends i love them, especially sober.

me and alisa stayed in the crowds near the stage and chip, jj and ethan came and joined us, with drinks. i even found myself singing commitment issues by central cee with alisa.

after i finished singing i stood beside ethan, "commitment issues, huh?" he smirked at me.

"shut up." i giggled, punching his muscular arms.

the 5 of us stood there, waving our hands in the air, singing. jj was already off his head, i was somewhat tipsy and the other 3 can handle there drink fenough. while i was jumping and waving my hands about like what some people would call a lunatic, i felt a sudden sharp pain in my tummy, caused my mood to change, i grabbed my stomach and began walking back to where our group had set up, when a hand tapped me, ethan, "you okay?" he queried. "where you going?"

"just feel a bit sick." i sighed, holding tummy. "just gonna go back to the rest and sit down."

"m'kay." he smiled, "i'm taking you."

i groaned, walking back to the group, ethan behind me. as soon as i got there i threw myself onto the floor against a tree. "frey, go you have paracetamol." i groaned, looking at her. she swiftly shook her head. "fuck sake." i shouted before vomiting my guts up beside me. i buried my head in my hands, groaning to myself.

"ok alright there?" ethan chuckled looking at me from one of the chairs that had be set up.

"shut up." i rolled my eyes, throwing my head right back down to get more out of my stomach. "si, chuck us a water would you?" i looked over at simon and stephen talking beside the coolers.

"thanks." i raised my eyebrows, catching the bottle. i immediately unscrewed the bottle, taking a sip of it.

after a while, i began feeling a lot better and got up from my state. i spent most of the day with tobi as i knew as long as i was with him, i wouldn't drink as much as i would with harry per say. after a while of being with tobi, harry and ethan came to join us, with spliffs.

"want a pull?" ethan mumbled to me, i nodded gently. i wasn't a big stoner whatsoever, but at a festival i would never turn it down, especially if it's just a pull.

"thanks." i exhaled, passing the spliff back. "i think i'm go back." i murmured.

"alright, let me finish this and i'll walk you back." ethan patted my shoulder and i nodded taking a sip of water.

"come on then." ethan came up to my pulling his arm around me, just a few minutes later. we began walking through, getting stopped by security as we walked out, to our hotel across the road. "you alright?" he spoke into my ear.

"yeah." i nodded my head, leaning on his shoulder as we walked into the hotel. "are you?"

"mhm." he smiled drunkingly, pulling his arm off of me as we approached my room. "do you actually feel the same?" he sighed.

"what do you mean?" i furrowed my brows at him.

"about me, the same way i feel about you?" he leant in the doorway.

"yeah, if i didn't i wouldn't have said it eth." i weakly smiled, looking at my state in the mirror on way in.

"okay." he sighed, walking out and closing the door. i didn't think anything of it, he was just eager to get back into the enjoyment across the road also know as tomorrowland.

i ripped my false lashes and my outfit off, getting into my oversized t-shirt. i groaned pulling myself under the cover of the hotel bed placing a bottle of pepsi beside me. i didn't sleep, i actually didn't sleep till just before evie got back and she came in and woke me up, a spent my hours on tiktok and instagram looking about my friends stories.

"move over you fat fucking fuck." evie shouted, waking me up.

she had shoved me, i was almost on the floor. "fuck off." i kicked her, covering my head with the covers trying to go back to sleep. we ended up screaming back a forward for thirty minutes straight, before vik and ellie, who were in the room next door came in and told up to shut the fuck up, which we ended up doing.


unpopular opinion but pepsi is so much better than coke lol

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