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"fucking hell, you three made a mess while we were out." cal gasped walking into the main room flickering his eyes between me, harry, ethan and the mess.

a few of the others followed cal in, lux, simon, talia, josh and freya. "where's everyone else?" i scratched my elbow, itching it.

"stayed at the beach, i think they are getting jet skis or something." cal shook his head not completely sure. "so bog, are the boys still going to that strip club tonight?" cal chuckled.

the room erupted in laughter, "nah, i cancelled it." harry scratched the back of his head, "ethan and flora persuaded me to."

"shame." si said, "would've been a great memory for my 29th." he shrugged, sitting down.

"not like you'd fucking be going." talia raised her eyebrows.

"mate your whipped." ethan chuckled.

simon gave ethan a dirty look. "i'm whipped?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "me?"

"well nah." josh said sarcastically, "obviously fucking you."

"ethan, you're one to talk." simon chuckled. "you're in love with your bestmate." he muttered but loud enough for everyone to here.

"homiesexual?" i giggled, letting out a snort.

"you could say that." cal raised his eyebrows at the 4 boys.

"flor, do you wanna go get something to eat with me and frey?" talia hummed to me.

"course, give me a minute." i smiled, adjusting my bun on my head in the mirror and picking up my bag.

"you girls going?" josh looked at the three by the door.

frey nodded and followed me and talia out the door into the blazing sunshine burning us red.

talia nudged me making me trip over my own two feet, "so you and ethan?" she brushed off my fall as if it was nothing.

"shut up, for fuck sake we are bestmates." i shook my head, i was sick of hearing it, i was certain i had 0 feelings for ethan and i would never. on the other hand people were consistently telling me that he has feelings for me, even he had remotely told me, but i told him i do too. does that make me a bad person? for lying to him to make him feel better.

"ok, ok, why you getting so worked up about it?" she rolled her ears at me, tutting her tongue on the roof of her mouth.

"maybe cos i don't like ethan? maybe cos you just fucking pushed me? maybe cos my world doesn't revolve around ethan?" i raised my voice, getting a bit too much up in her face.

"you're so dramatic, jesus christ." she looked at me as if i was mad.

freya was visibly uncomfortable, she bit her lip waiting for the right time to step in. "girls, can you two stop." freya pulled an awkward face as i walked 10 paces ahead with talia 10 behind.

no more was said, not one word of what had happened. we came back to the villa. it was as if nothing had happened however i did keep my distance from talia knowing if we did talk we would start a row.

i sat between evie and harry on the sofa just talking utter bullshit between the three of us. "yo, let's play snog, marry, pie." jide screamed.

"how about snog, hug, slap?" alisa suggested.

everyone agreed as we had no pies nor rings so it was the next best thing. lux agreed to start and got up, his eyes scanned the room and he walked towards evie giving her a kiss on the cheek before laughing. then made his way to talia and hugged her and slapped cal.

lux chose me to go next, i instantly jolted up, unsure who to kiss then i commented, "done it before may aswell do it again." and walked over to ethan, he cupped my face and we had a 3 second kiss before i pulled away laughing. i hugged harry then slapped talia.

talia threw a glare at me, everyone saw it and freya looked genuinely worried about what had just happen. "i'm going to bed." i sighed storming up the stairs.

once i was in my room i threw myself on the bed and pulled out my phone. i booked the next flight home and heard a knock on the door, "come in." ethan came in, a worried expression written on his face.

"you good?" he came over to the double bed and shuffled up, he sat beside me making the whole mattress dip.

"i'm fucking going home, this honestly such a joke. i go holiday with my so called bestfriends and every five minutes someone is asking me if i'm shagging my best fucking friend." i said breaking down, throwing the nearest object to me, a sure deodorant can at the wall, leaving a dent.

"come here." he said as i cried into his chest. "if your leaving so am i." ethan whispered rubbing the back of my neck.

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