Chapter Twenty Nine

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That evening they sat around the table, everyone cheerful and merry – above all the hobbits who insisted on singing drinking songs and jumping up every few minutes to dance an impromptu jig – except Aragorn who, although he smiled indulgently at the hobbits as they leapt around and laughed very so often, seemed to have an extremely serious air about him which made it appear that his thoughts were heading in a more melancholy direction, one which Amaruil thought she could divine.

“Should we comfort him?” Amaruil whispered to Legolas as he glanced over at their friend.

“You may try although I am not sure how much good it will do. He is in love Amaruil, let him be for we all must mope at some point,” he said, his face betraying just how worried he actually was.

“I suppose that she will be here soon and then all will be well again. He is most likely jjust considering his new position for I know he was not keen on becoming king, not at first,” Amaruil sighed, her forehead creasing with worry.

Standing up fluidly Amaruil headed round the table to where Aragorn sat, kneeling beside him and asking under her breath, “Is all alright Aragorn?”

“Yes I am fine thank you Amaruil,” he replied.

“If you are sure…I only asked because you seem a little preoccupied this evening,” she said as Aragorn sighed.

“I just miss Arwen and I hope that the day when we will meet again comes soon; this day does not feel complete without her and yet I cannot have her here until more is accomplished. My body feels as if all is done and my heart should have its reward now but my mind knows that there is much yet left to do and that I must wait. My heart, however, is impatient and wishes to see her,” he said sadly as Amaruil paced one of her hands over where his lay on the table, trying to give him some of her strength.

“I miss her too Aragorn but rest assured that she is coming; I am sure of it and I am sure that she will be here before too long,” she said in an attempt to comfort him.

“All I ask for is some sign for I know that one will appear; I can wait for her once I know she is going to arrive. It is the waiting for the sign of her arrival which is destroying me,” he replied as Amaruil frowned and wrapped her arms around him and folded him to her, completely oblivious of Eowyn’s watching eyes.

“So it is Amaruil!” she whispered to Faramir as the pair talked, her quiet voice still adequately showing her delight. “I thought that it must be but I wasn’t sure of it… I am happy for them, they make a fine couple. It was she who stole his heart and he stole hers so she has not sailed away.”

As Amaruil returned to her seat Eowyn smiled at her; heading over to where Amaruil was sitting they began to talk for each was as keen as the other to become friends. Halfway through the conversation Eowyn, who was not normally this forward but had been spurred on by happiness, said, “I am very happy for you Amaruil.”

“Oh… thank you,” she replied rather uncertainly, “though I’m not sure to what you are alluding.”

“Aragorn is a fine man and a great warrior – I am sure he will be a mighty king,” she continued as Amaruil became even more confused.

“Yes that is true and also he has been a good friend to me in the past,” she said as Eowyn gave her a knowing smile.

“I am sure that you will make a great queen too,” she said as Amaruil stifled the urge to laugh.

“Oh surely- you do not believe Aragorn to be in love with me surely!” she exclaimed with a giggle.

“Why ever not? He told me that he was in love with someone who was supposed to be sailing over the sea with the last of her kin implying an elf… Have I made a terrible mistake?” she asked, her fair skin flushing as her eyes widened in horror.

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