Chapter Fourteen

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“Mae govannen Amaruil,” greeted Legolas.

“Mae govannen Legolas,” Amaruil replied calmly, now used to his reappearance in her life. Where once before she had struggled to keep herself calm and stop herself pining after him, now she had settled into being his friend, though she knew perfectly well that every conversation with him was leading her a little deeper; she had long since given up fighting her feelings and now Amaruil just let them carry her along while still constantly telling herself that it was only his friendship which she valued. “What news do you bring?”

“I have been granted audience with Elrond,” Legolas said, sitting beside Amaruil and brushing a small rosy blossom off her shoulder, “he will hold a council very shortly and has requested that I be there-”

“Mae govannen Amaruil!” cried Bilbo, cutting Legolas’ words off as she smiled in greeting.

“Forgive me,” she whispered to him before leaving the bench and gliding towards the hobbit. “Bilbo! I have not seen you in a while!” she grinned.

“I was with my nephew,” he explained. “Can you believe he was stabbed by a Morgul blade?” he exclaimed incredulously. “A hobbit! Stabbed by a Morgul blade! They’d never believe this back in Hobbiton!” he laughed.

“And how is Frodo?”

“He is very well now thank you,” Bilbo replied, “or at least I think he is, he hasn’t woken up again yet I don’t think – not since I was there at least.”

“Why did you leave then?”

“Gandalf told me to; he sent everyone away to get food while Frodo was still asleep ,though I suspect he just wants to wake him up and talk to him – perhaps about the council. I missed the first time he was awake though, which is a little annoying.”

“Will you be attending the council as well then?” asked Amaruil interestedly.

“I hope so even though I’m not entirely sure what it’s about,” he chuckled, “but it’s sure to be interesting. Are you?”

Amaruil frowned a little as she replied, “Not as far as I am aware, no I am not. I know not what it is about either, but I am certain that Lord Elrond has deemed it unsuitable for women… or perhaps he forbade Arwen from attending and he believes that she will be easier to control if I am not attending. We shall see.”

“Well if you’re not there tomorrow I will tell you everything,” Bilbo swore, “or at least I’ll repeat as much as I remember – which may not be a great deal considering my age!”

“I am sure that it will be more than enough Bilbo,” Amaruil said with an indulgent smile. “Where are you headed? Ought you to return to Frodo now that he might have awoken?”

“I would like to but Gandalf kicked me out; still, perhaps I’ll go back to his room and loiter outside the door,” Bilbo laughed.

“Be careful not to get caught then!”

“Oh Gandalf won’t do anything; he’s an old softie really,” Bilbo replied.

“And don’t forget the feast Bilbo!” Amaruil called to his back as he wandered off.

“I shall try my hardest,” he retorted as Amaruil returned to the bench beside Legolas.

“I am sorry about that Legolas but Bilbo is an old friend; he has been staying here for seventeen years now.”

“Yes I do believe that I remember seeing him many years ago,” Legolas murmured. “Gandalf brought him and a company of dwarves into Mirkwood.”

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