Chapter Five

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Amaruil gazed out over the forest which surrounded her, spreading out over the hills to create verdant undulating waves and ripples; the setting sun warmed her face as she watched the shadows lengthen slowly and the sky shift from a pale blue through to a myriad of pinks and purples before a tiny streak of black began to leak across the darkening sky.

She sighed as she thought of the doom Arwen had chosen, clouding the sky like the slowly spreading black, but this time without even a speck of starry hope to lighten the inky gloom. A single tear fought its way out from under her lashes as she mourned her friend. It did not matter whether she travelled to the Undying Lands or not, once Aragorn had died, Amaruil’s dearest friend would never be the same.

“Le suilon,” said a quiet voice as someone sat down beside her.

Amaruil turned to the elf and smiled weakly. “Forgive me but I fear I will make for poor company; my thoughts are much occupied elsewhere, you see,” she murmured.

“Oh forgive me!” he cried as he glanced at Amaruil. “I did not realise- I can only assume you must not want me here-” he said, his words tripping over each other as he made to stand up again.

“Please do not leave on my account,” Amaruil said. “I have no objection to your presence; I was merely warning you that I am disinclined to converse today.”

“Is it in my power to lighten your burden?” he asked, making Amaruil laugh dryly. “I do not think that it is in anyone’s power to relieve me of this burden,” she replied.

“Nevertheless, share it with me and I will endeavour to release you of your troubles.”

Amaruil paused for a moment as she studiously examined her hands, deciding whether or not to tell this stranger. “My closest friend is in love,” she stated quietly as the elf beside her sat silently, patiently waiting for her next words. “But it is not just any love; she knows that he is right for her, just as we all do. This choice will destroy her though, for he is but a mortal man.”

“He is mortal?” the elf asked incredulously. “And you fear what is to become of her,” he stated.

“Tancave,” she whispered. “I fear that we will be sundered.”

“It is a fair fear,” he agreed. “I do not know how to comfort you,” he admitted, “apart from to tell you that it may be her destiny. Everything happens for a reason and perhaps this will benefit Ennorath more than we can appreciate in this moment. At the very least, take heart from the fact that it has not come to pass, and make as much the time given to you as possible.”

Amaruil turned to him with a small smile and sighed quietly. “Le hannon,” she murmured, “you have somehow set my mind at ease.”

“Please, I did nothing extraordinary; mayhap it was the beauty of the view that lifted your spirits,” he replied modestly.

“It is true; the forests of Lórien are truly enchanting,” Amaruil agreed as she gazed at the star-speckled sky.

“What is your name?” she asked eventually.

“Legolas,” he replied. “And you? Man eneth lín?”

“Nin estar Amaruil.”

Legolas laughed softly at that. “Yes your name rings true Amaruil,” he said, “for I know that I have never seen an elf-maiden as radiant as you. You truly are a ‘noble beauty’ and one that I count myself lucky to have met.”

A faint blush tinged Amaruil’s cheeks but she answered, “You cannot have been in Caras Galadhon long then, for surely whatever beauty I hold is dimmed by that of the Lady of Light.”

“It is true that I live in Mirkwood, but I will not agree with your sentiment, for in your eyes I see the green of the fresh spring leaves and in your hair richer colours than I have observed in many years. The Lady Galadriel pales in comparison, like a fading star.”

“You live in Mirkwood? I have not yet travelled so far as to find myself there,” Amaruil replied, ignoring his compliments as she sought for solid ground upon which to stand in their conversation.

“But it is not too far from here,” Legolas said.

“Though that may be true, I do not live here but in Imladris. I am merely visiting Lórien for the time being.”

“As am I; I make but a quick stop as I journey on. Then we are both travellers together. You must, however, promise to pay my home the honour of a visit, if but for a short while,” Legolas said.

“Perhaps, though I cannot make any promises.”


Amaruil was walking slowly beneath the trees when a familiar figure approached her. “Mae govannen Amaruil!” Legolas called as he smiled at her and fell into step beside her, his blond hair gleaming in the sunlight.

“So tell me Legolas, are you then one of the Galadhrim, for rarely have I seen any of the Sindar with such strange hair,” Amaruil questioned. “I thought only the hair of the Vanyar shone with the light of the sun.”

“No, my father and I are Sindar, though if we do have Vanyar blood it has passed from our knowledge.”

“A remarkable feat for the Eldar, to be sure,” Amaruil said as they stopped beside the fountain and watched the silver ripples, the hushed mutterings of other elves creating an underlying whisper that rose and fell, drowned by the splashes of the fountain. “We do not easily forget the names of our ancestors,” she murmured.

“And you, my fair Amaruil? What of your ancestry?” he questioned.

“I am but one of the Sindar, though my parents are close to the Lord Elrond and oftentimes in his confidence.”

“So your family holds influence in Imladris,” stated Legolas.

“Yes, they have known Elrond Peredhel for many years and are much devoted to him; they are great friends. I feel that there is something which keeps my sister there though, and I know not what it is,” Amaruil mused.

“Perhaps it is love,” suggested Legolas with a grin but Amaruil dismissed his idea with a shake of her head. “No, Merenwen has been of age for many years and is yet unmarried. For love to tie her to Rivendell it must be unrequited and Merenwen is too sensible to pine after someone she cannot have; she claims it is concern for my parents and love of her home but…” Amaruil trailed off.

“And you Amaruil? I see in your eyes that you are unmarried, but you are of age. Why do you not marry?” Legolas asked.

“It is possible for me to ask you that as well, for I see it in your eyes also,” Amaruil said cryptically, “but I will answer your question if you will give me your answer too.”

“I will,” replied Legolas.

“Then I tell you that I do not marry because I have not found my husband yet,” she said simply. “We do not choose lightly and I have not chosen.”

“Woe befalls the many who must desire you for their bride then,” laughed Legolas as Amaruil grinned and joined in. “But unfortunately my reasons are far more ill; I do not wed for the same reason as you, but also because I feel a great evil spreading and I work tirelessly with my father to stop it. I will not allow myself rest until Ennorath is safe and goodness has been restored,” he continued seriously.

“You speak of much ill,” Amaruil said gravely, “but mayhap the end will come sooner than you expect.”

“I hope for that very much,” smiled Legolas.


Le suilon - I greet thee (formal way to say hello)
Man eneth lin - what is your name?
Nin estar - my name is
Amaruil means noble beauty which is why Legolas smiles at it.

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