Chapter Twenty Four

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Not a single day passed by that Amaruil didn’t think desperately of Legolas; all the time she wondered how he was and whether Galadriel’s words had come to pass yet, how the Fellowship was doing and whether Saruman and Sauron’s armies were amassing; these thoughts preyed endlessly on her and she could see that Arwen was equally preoccupied. She was, however, surprised to see that, although many Eldar left to fight alongside Aragorn, Elrond remained behind. Not the awakening buds or the merrymaking of the elves could rouse Amaruil from her perpetual worries, the golden sun shining unheeded as she wandered under a cloud of darkness and worry. However not long after Elrond refused to let her leave to fight she found herself once more walking through the forest where she had last spoken to Legolas.

His figure approached her as she walked through the trees, for once noticing the luscious golden light which streamed between them, her spirit rejoicing in seeing him still alive. “Legolas!” she called happily as he neared her, taking her in his arms and holding her close to him.

“Amaruil,” he grinned, “it does me much good to see you.”

“And I you,” she replied, looking hungrily at his face, painted a creamy butter yellow by the sun which highlighted a cut on his cheek, surrounded by a faint bruise. Tentatively reaching her fingers up to it she traced the damaged skin, almost completely healed over but still bearing witness to what had once been there. “What happened?” she asked worriedly as Legolas’ eyes darkened while a small smile graced his mouth.

“It is nothing Amaruil; nothing in comparison to what we have achieved these past few days,” he replied as his eyes began to sparkle. “We are still far from removing this shadow which blights Middle-Earth but we are much closer than before.”

“What happened Legolas?” she pressed.

“Saruman sent his forces to march on Minas Tirith; there were so many I was sure that we would be overwhelmed but we were not – we routed them and won,” he replied simply.

“And you are alright,” she stated as she gazed at him, “Galadriel’s words have not yet come to pass in the way that you feared.”

Legolas paused as he considered how best to reply for where once he had been terrified he would die he now knew the truth and it was no less painful. “They have come to pass but it would seem that you were right Amaruil,” he replied with a sad smile. “My heart no longer rests with the forest for I have heard the cry of the seagulls and the Sea-longing has come upon me.” Amaruil’s eyes widened in shock as she heard his words and her lips parted slightly, her eyes searching his face as her brow furrowed.

“But Legolas… I believed that you would not feel the Sea-longing,” she questioned as her heart fell. Either way it seemed as if Galadriel’s foresight predicted their separation, either through death or through Legolas’ departure for Valinor.

“So did I but…” he shrugged slightly, “clearly the wishes of the Sindar flow through me still. I do not think that I can be happy until I am in the Undying Lands,” he whispered. “I will stay to see the end of this alongside my friends but I cannot bear to stay here any longer… Every second I hear the sea calling to me, its soft murmurs pulling me towards it. Amaruil I think that it will drive me mad!”

“You would not stay even for me?” she asked sadly as his eyes collided with hers again and he frowned.

“I will try but I do not know how it will affect me,” he answered. “All I can think of is to be near it.”

“I cannot go near the sea though Legolas!” she cried. “You do not understand! My family has gone and I am a Sindar; I cannot near it for then I will be filled with the Sea-longing too and what will then hold us back from leaving? I refuse to leave Arwen behind until all is done and that means that I cannot leave Middle-Earth!” She collapsed against him sobbing as Legolas sighed, holding her to him and shutting his eyes.

Into the West (A Lord of the Rings Fan Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin