Chapter Twenty One

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Contrary to her words to Legolas Amaruil welcomed the sight of Imladris when she arrived home, rejoicing in the elegant houses that were visible amongst, and sometimes above, the swaying trees; it also soothed her mind to know that little had changed here in the time that she had been away – when not consumed with fear of the oncoming battle or for Legolas she had worried that Sauron would have found a way to destroy all that she held dear here in Rivendell.

As she walked through the arch which stood at the entrance like a sentinel welcoming the weary travellers home she realised how exhausted she was; forgoing the greetings she knew she was able to postpone she hurried to Elrond’s hall.

“Welcome Amaruil, it pleases me to see that you are safe,” Elrond said as she entered the room. His back was to her as he stared out of the window and Amaruil fleetingly wondered how he knew it was her before he turned to face her and frowned. “But you are tired,” he continued, “why did you come to see me so soon after your arrival?”

“It is only polite.”

“I would rather that you go and rest; do not worry, your duty to me has been discharged,” he said kindly as Amaruil left the hall and headed home and collapsed on her bed, drained of every last drop of energy which had kept her going.


The next morning Amaruil opened her eyes slowly, momentarily wondering where she was as the bright sunshine smiled in through her window and coated everything in her room with a layer of glittering dust. A quiet knock at her door dispelled her sleepy stupor and she glided towards it, opening it to reveal Merenwen, the mirror image of Amaruil but with an expression of solemn sadness etched on her face.

“I heard that you arrived back yesterday,” she said as Amaruil welcomed her in.

“Yes, I am sorry I did not greet you sooner sister only I was so tired-”

“That is not why I am here; I can understand that,” Merenwen interrupted. “I have something far graver to talk to you about.”

“What?” Amaruil questioned.

“It is about our parents… They are leaving for Valinor,” she said quietly.

“Why?” Amaruil exclaimed.

“Our time is past Amaruil we cannot linger here in Ennorath any longer. You know as well as I do that the Dominion of Men is beginning and that it is time we sailed the seas,” Merenwen cried.

“Our time is passing but it is not past; leaving now will hurry the end along. What about the elves of the forests, the ones who never feel the Sea-longing? They are not leaving surely?”

“You know that they are not but they are not Sindar… If we stay we will merely be witness to the decline of our race,” she muttered.

Amaruil remained silent as she contemplated her sister’s words and their effect on her life. “And so you go with them?” she asked eventually. Merenwen looked at her with glistening eyes, the previously cheerful sunlight now illuminating the tears which gathered there. “You know I do,” she said sadly.

“When?” Amaruil bit out through the sadness which bound itself around her throat and threatened to strangle her.

“We leave Imladris in but a few days. Nana and Ada were worried that you would not return before… in time.”

“Do they- do they expect me to join you?” Amaruil asked quietly.

Merenwen stood up and moved from the end of the bed where she had been sitting, drifting to the window and gazing out at the city below them. “They wish it greatly but they have resigned themselves to the knowledge that you will not come. They will not force you… and neither will I for we all know what this land means to you. I do, oh I do so wish that you would come with us though,” Merenwen sobbed as she span around and bit her lip as she looked at her sister.

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