Chapter 2.

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They stood there in silence, eyes darting.

"Why are you out here?" Win asked walking closer. He was trying to intimidate Bright but Bright wasn't fazed at all.

Bright was never scared of Win. He found the boy to be cuter than scary.

Bright just wasn't a fighter, he didn't believe in violence, and the reason was because of his father. He use to beat him and his mom for years, it stopped when Bright was 13, and finally got the courage to call the cops.

After that, it was just him and his mom, and Brights mom worked hard for everything after that. She found a better job but she works long hours.

"Why do you care?" Bright snapped back.

Win looked shocked, he didn't expect Bright to ever talk back to him. He always stayed quiet and let Win dominant over him.

"Oh, so the thing speaks?" Win scoffed "what's next you gonna hit me back now?" Win took a step closer towards Bright.

Bright still didn't look like he cared
"I don't have time for your games right now Win if you're going to hit me go ahead. Not like you're good at anything else" Bright mumbled the last part but Win heard it.

Win started laughing and for some reason Bright got butterflies, but it wasn't because he was scared.

"What's funny?" Bright asked

"You." Win said "dont think you can hurt me or my feelings because you're still the little twink I met in the 10th grade"

Bright was fuming. He promised himself he would never let Win or any other person's words make him act out.

He didn't want to have any violent acts be on his record because he wanted to get into a good university.

"Oh is Brighty getting a little upset" Win taunted him some more
"Dont worry kid I'll make sure your beating hurts worse than yesterday okay?"

Win was about to punch Bright until something stops his arm.

Bright had his eyes wide as he stared at Win's arm in his hands. Win was shocked as well, no one ever thought to fight back against him.

"On second thought," Bright said throwing Win's arm down "I'm not getting a beating today or any other day. How about just stay away from me, okay?" Bright said proudly.

Win, being furious, didn't listen. He got his other hand and landed a punch on the side of Brights face.

Bright let out a painful groan as he held his chin.

"You dont tell me what to do" Win smirked as he walks closer to Bright.

Win punched him more until Bright was on the floor.
"See twink, you can't win against me. It's my name remember?"

Bright started laughing making Win became confused. He looked at Bright and saw something in his eyes, something he's never seen before.

"Why do you still call me a twink?" Bright asked getting up
"Can't you see I'm bigger now? I'm the same size as you actually" Bright pointed out.

Win huffed and punched Bright again. This time Bright didn't even seem to look like the punch hurt.

Bright grabbed Win by his collar and pushed him up against the wall.

"Why do you hate me so much huh? Are you jealous?" Bright asked.

Win had an amused look on his face and pushed Bright away, but to his luck, it didn't work. Bright had a strong grip on him.

"What the fuck man? If you want to fight let me go, and we'll fight like real men!" Win shouted.

"Dont you get it? Have I ever fought back? " Bright was getting angrier "I dont touch you, I dont bother you, hell I dont even fucking speak to you. Why do you feel the need to bother me still?"

"I don't like lowlifes like you, you annoy me, and you're just a piece of trash that shouldn't be here," Win said calmly.

Bright seems to have reached his limit and threw win to the ground to then start throwing punches.

He paused after a couple of hits to let Win get up.

"Who are you to tell me I'm worthless huh? You dont know shit about me, and you never will. Do you know why people bully? Because they think lowly of themselves." Bright stated 

Win didn't want to hear more and grabbed Bright to then throw more punches onto him.

He pushed Bright to the ground and started kicking him in the stomach. 

Bright grabbed his leg, making Win tumble down onto Bright.

Bright then switched their positions, having Win on his back with his arms pinned above his head.

They stared at each other panting fast, trying to catch their breaths.

"Am I still a twink now?" Bright breathed on Win's lips.

Win stared at Bright with fire in his eyes, he never felt this helpless before, never was he not the dominant one taking control of situations. He was feeling himself get aroused as bright had him pinned on his back.

Bright glared at Win waiting for an answer. He saw the fire in his eyes change in just a second, the anger he once had turned into lust. Lust making Brights blood boil, and making him want to fuck Win right here on the rooftop.

"Am I?" Bright asked again.

"Fuck you!" Win yelled

That's all bright could take. He closed the gap between them and crashed his lips roughly onto Wins.

Win tried to pry his hands away from Bright but Bright pushed his weight down and deepened the kiss.

Win had given in and given up, he let Bright take control and taste every spot in his mouth.

Bright finally parted from the kiss when both boys needed air to breathe. Win was still dazed from the kiss while Bright just stared at him. Bright had no idea where his courage to kiss Win came from, and he had no idea why he did it either.

Before any of them could speak the school bell had rung. Bright had loosened his grip on Win, and Win quickly pushed Bright off of him and ran to the door.

Bright stayed on the ground thinking about the moments before.

"What the fuck did I just do?"


I think this book will have a faster pace than the other three.

Enjoy the chapter and please vote 💞💞💞.

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