chapter 5.

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The next day at school Win did the exact opposite of what Bright told him.

He didn't bully him but he did avoid him. He made sure to get to school late on purpose so he wouldn't see him in the morning, skip classes, only walk in the hallway when it was empty, and avoid going to lunch.

Win also made sure to skip his 4th period but made sure he got his questions for the project answered.

Yes, it was true that Win skipped his classes. But that's because Win wasn't the type to like sitting in them.

He preferred being given his work and left alone to figure it out on his own. If he had questions he would ask them, and if he needed help he didn't mind asking for it.

Win thought it was just easier that way than sitting in a classroom for an hour dealing with students who disrupt the teacher or having a teacher not give clear instructions on what to do.

Win was the bad boy of the school but he wasn't really bad. He skipped classes so he could be alone to do his work not smoke, his grades are amazing, his GPA is high, he only bullies if someone upsets him or starts a fight first, and he doesn't even have friends. They're all just people who hang around him to look cool.

Wins never really had anyone close to him besides his Dad and his maid Mary.

But one thing Win knew was he didn't like the way he was feeling for his certain bully victim.

For year's he had bullied Bright but he only did it because he was curious to know when he would fight back.

Everyone else at the school at least defended themselves when Win tried to come near. But Bright, he just stayed quiet and let Win do all that stuff to him.

Win would always catch himself staring at Bright or thinking of him. He didn't like that he was doing all of that but Win couldn't help himself.

He had always been so curious when it came to Bright. And that's what made him angry at Bright as well. He didn't want to feel anything for him.


Win was currently hiding out in the Library. He had a secret corner he would go to whenever he wanted to do work for a class. No one could bother him there, and even if he was seen no one would dare talk to him anyway.

He sat down on a small bean bag and tried to find something to do


Win was scrolling through his phone letting it help pass time until he got distracted by some voices.

It sounded like the Librarian was about to leave because she told the other person to lock up.

Win knew that was a sign that he needed to leave as well so he doesn't get trapped inside.

Win gathered all of his stuff and walked out his corner down the aisle of the books.

He was still looking on his phone, not paying attention to where he was going he bumped into something, hard. It made Win fall on the floor.

He let out a loud groan as he fell on his now bruised ass. He looks up to the person he bumped into ready to yell until he paused.

Right in front of his eyes the person who he thinks about at night, the person who'd he catch himself staring at, and the person who he been avoiding all day.

"Bright?" Win breathed out.

The older didn't even say anything, he hastily grabbed Win by his arm dragging him off the floor and back to Wins "secret corner"

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