Chapter 4.

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Bright had already texted his mom about what he needed to do after school, minus the mention of Win. And for some reason, his mom seemed overjoyed.

He knew it was probably because Bright had no other friends than Mew, and Bright always stayed at home when school was over.

Bright knew his mom wished for him to be like other teens, like the ones who wanted to rebel against their parents and have fun.

He knew it was because of what happened in their past, but Bright never really like getting too close to people. He was scared in the end they would turn out like his dad, and hurt him. Maybe not physically but emotionally as well.

It was hot outside but still cloudy, Bright wished at that moment that he didn't wear his thick sweater over his uniform.

Looking at his phone Bright followed the directions making his way into a nice friendly neighborhood.

He saw all the big houses with the nice yards, Bright started to feel a little insecure. He didn't live in the best neighborhood or have such a pretty house down his street.

"Turn left the next mile and your destination is on the right"

The closer Bright got the more exciting it felt for him. He didn't know what made him so confident texting win, and he wasn't sure what he meant when he told Win he'd do something to him.

Bright just wanted Win to be more pissed he guessed.

After another 5 minutes of walking Bright finally reached his destination. One thing for sure was Win seemed to be loaded, he had a big nice house.

What're his parents? Fucking mafia bosses??

Bright shook his head and stepped to the door. Bright hoped that it would be one of Win's parents to open the door and not Win.

He wasn't in the mood to be yelled at or have someone punch him.

Bright took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After about 2 minutes of waiting a woman answered the door.

She was wearing a maid outfit and had cleaning supplies in her hands.

"Can I help you?" She asked sweetly

"Y-Yes, I um....go to school with Win and we have a project we need to work on" Bright felt awkward.

He wasn't good at speaking with others unless he was angry or drunk.

"Oh okay well you can come in" she moved to the side to let Bright walk-in
"Do you want something to drink? I can tell you walked here."

"No thank you I'm fine" Bright smiled then proceeded to take his shoes off.

"Mary? Who's at the door?" Bright heard a deep voice come from what he guessed was the living room.

The maid pulled Bright in walking him towards the voice.

"Mr. Opas this is your son's school mate, he says they have a project they need to do"

Bright saw the figure turn around to look at him. He was tall with silky brown hair, tan skin, well built, and carried himself like he was rich.

Bright for some reason felt small around him, and soon regretted his decision on coming to this house.

"Wow! Really?" Mr. Opas sounded amazed by the maid's words.
"Well Win is in his room taking a nap, but how about me and you talk for a while aye?" Mr. Metawin smiled and gestures Bright to come to him.

Bright nods and walks towards the tall man noticing the snicker that came from the maid.

"What's your name son?" He asked

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