Chapter 10.

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When they entered the empty classroom Win seemed to have calmed down.

He hadn't let go of Brights wrist, he still had a tight grip on it.

They stood there in silence as Win had his back turned to Bright. Bright wasn't sure what he wanted to do or what Win wanted to talk about.

"Win?" Bright calmly called out.

Bright saw Wins tense shoulders slump down and heard a heavy sigh come from him. Bright walked closer and turned Win around.

Bright was surprised to see Win with glossy eyes and he could smell alcohol on his breath. His heart ached just by looking at him.

Drinking during school hours? Really , Win?

"Win, why are yo-"

"Why are you avoiding me? Is it because you're over me? Do you date Mew now?"

Brights' eyes widen at the youngers questions. Why is he so mad? Bright asked himself.

Win loosened the grip on Brights wrist and Bright used that as a chance to interlock their fingers. Win looked up and had a small pout on his face, Bright could see Win was on the verge of tears.

"I avoided you because I didn't think you wanted to speak to me. And I and Mew aren't dating" Bright softly confirmed.

"Why did you think we were dating?" Bright asked

Bright avoided answering the second question.

Is it because you're over me?

Today was the day Bright realized his true feelings for Win so he wasn't ready to say it out loud. Bright still questioned on how it could have happened, but he thought hed deal with that later.

"Don't fucking question me I was just curious" Win weakly said

Bright softly groaned and let go of Wins hand.

Win was about to say something about it until Bright got all up in his space with such a distasteful look on his face.

"Can you stop!" Bright yelled "I'm tired of you confusing me with your shit. What's your fucking problem?"

Bright didn't mean to snap but something in him was tired of the way Win was acting. He wanted him to be straight up with him and just let go of whatever anger he has towards him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Win screamed "last time I remember I'm the one who beats your ass"

Win shoved Bright making him hit the desk. Wins blood was boiling. He didn't know why he brought Bright here but he knew he hates seeing that Mew kid so close to him. He wanted to be the one that was holding him, that got to see Bright smile fondly at him.

Yes, Win was avoiding Bright first, but Bright was always the one to never leave Win alone. He never submitted to him or gave him the chance to see him back down.

It had been like that for years, somehow Bright was always able to poke the right buttons when it came to Win. Win could see how Bright knew how much he wanted to hear him speak to him, but he never did. Bright always just stared at Win never making a sound, not even when he hit him.

"Why can't you just admit it huh? You were jealous of Mew! I saw the way you glared at him, I've always seen it. Do you think I don't notice those glances you've given me for years? How hard you tried to get me to talk to you? The way you observed me? I've seen everything because I watched you the same way you watched me." Bright snapped.

"I-I didn't watch you" Win stuttered.

Bright moved closer to Win panting fast as he tried to steady his breath. Win gulped as he stared at him, Win could see fire in his eyes, the same fire he had when they first kissed on the roof.

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