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           Dedicated to. ahfuckyouhoe

Chelsy's p.o.v :

You would think as the sister of a gang member your life would be semi- easy. Seeing as your brother would get more attention than you so you can slip into the background. Which is what I prefer but not at all. It's the complete opposite.

" Chelsy, hey earth to dork "sad eye says snapping his fingers at me
" WHAT " I say turning to face him. " I was just going to tell you were going to oscar's and hey while your at it try not to travel to a different dimension " , sad eye says.  I stick my tongue out at him and slam my door in his face.

I always get dragged along on his little trips . such a joy for all parties involved, but I'm to shy to stand up for myself and say I don't want to go. I grab my bag that I take with me everywhere and head out the front door with sad eye. Sad eye starts walking and I follow behind him.

" So the gang and I were talking and we were think you could join the santos" sad eye says starting conversation with me after three minutes of silence. " do I get a choice" , I ask in a low whisper. I sometimes wish I wasn't so shy. " ofc you get a choice little sister , you just need to make that choice quickly", he says ruffling my hair.

*arrives at Oscar's*

Once we arrive at oscars , sad eyes starts fist bumping and doing hand shakes with some of the other hand members. Me and Oscar make the same confused face as we watch my brother parade around like an idiot.  " can i talk to you in private" Oscar asks more like telling me. Before I could even process an answer he dragged me off into the house and into his bedroom .

" yes oscar", I say in a low whisper since my voice is very quiet . " I heard your idiot of a brother and the gang talking about getting you to join the gang". I nod and avoid his eyes as I'm not sure what to expect. " you will not join the gang is thst clear" , Oscar says in a stern voice. " yes oscar" I say and head for the the door. I stop before pulling the door handle and say , " My brother is an idiot" , I say and smile.

Oscar smiles back and shakes his head. I head back outside and sit in the corner of the porch. " you look'n mad fine chels" one of the gang members says winking at me. I almost three up in my mouth. Then some of the other gang members start to hit on me and it made me feel disgusting.

Two of them started to corner me and sad eye didn't even care. " Leave her alone before you have to deal with me" ,  I hear Oscar say and I let out a sigh of relief. " oh she's spooky girl" , a few of the gang members chant. " they were just playing with her " sad eye says. " I'll deal with you later" Oscar says point at sad eye.

"I have an announcement to make" ,  " finally. I have chosen the girl I want to claim" , Oscar says smirking. " I have claimed Chelsy as my girl. " I turned my head so quick hearing my name escape oscars lips. It's like the world around me was moving in slow MO as I watched his mouth form the words.

Everyone turned to me and I guess they were waiting for an reaction. I walk towards Oscar and he pulls me into a hug. " She really is spooky's girl" , sad eye says.  I roll my eyes and pull away from the hug. " I was thinking we could go for a walk " Oscar whispers in my ear. I nod shyly and turn to the rest of the gang.

" I'll have an answer for you next week at the party, and you'll take it or leave it" I say raising my voice a bit. I think I shocked everyone seeing as everyone's eyes were wide open. " That's my girl ", Oscar says pulling off the porch and out into the drive way.

Oscar's p.o.v :

We start walking and at first it was completely silent. I look over and see her deep in though. She was so cute when she gets frustrated. " Hey calm down , no need to freak", I say . she shyly smiles up at me and start to apologize. " no need to apologize" , I say. " can i ask you a question" she asks turning to me . " ofc you can princessa" , I say giving her my full attention. " why did you pick me" ??

" Do you want the honest answer" , I say moving closer to her. " yes please" she says getting flustered. " I lift her chin and make her look at me. " you might not believe me but here goes nothing" , i've had feelings for you for the longest time chelsy  , but I never told you because I wasn't sure if you felt the same"

" ofc I felt the same , but look at you Oscar , your like the perfect guy that is unreachable to me that I can only dream about while reading wattpad . I didn't think you would every see me this way so all I could do was admire you". I say looking him straight in the face.

" Will you do me the honer of being my girlfriend" Oscar says looking me deep in my eyes. " Yes Oscar I'll be your girlfriend" , I say. He picked me up and started spinning me around. As he put me down are lips connected. Fireworks exploded throughout my body.

We both pull away and smile shyly. I connect our hand and we continue to walk hand in hand.

* A Week Later *

Chelsy's p.o.v :

As me and Oscar walk in the party together. We get a bunch of cheers , hugs, and congratulations . I see the gang members upstairs hanging over the upstairs railing. I roll my eyes and turn to oscar. I whisper in his ear that I'll be right back, but he figured out where I was going and insisted he go with me. We make our way upstairs and meet up with the rest of the gang.

" Do you have a answer sister", sad eye asks looking me up and down. As if he were judging but I didn't care. He stood up sizing me up but I didn't care. I stood up with the most confidence and got in his face. " Yes i have an answer brother, I will be joining the gang as the second hand leader , which me you'll be being deducted down a spot and I'll take over your position " , I say blowing him a kiss.

" I also made sure to get approval from the head herself Canal". When I said that everyone was shocked and I couldn't help but laugh. They know not to question canal so I'm off the hook. " look at you all about to sh*t yourselves", I say.  Oscar places a kiss on my check and i peck his lips. " well enjoy the rest of your night" I say walking off with Oscar.

He pulls me outside into a secluded area. He pressed my body against his. He held me tight. " may I kiss you" , he asked looking at my lips. " yes you may kind gentleman". As our lips connected he start off gentle trying not to hurt me . Once he noticed I was okay he start to get more rough.  Which I liked. Once we pulled away to catch our breathes, he started to speak.

" I never realized how much I needed you. I new I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life but I never realized how much of a toll you took on me. With out you I wouldn't be able to handle life. When people ask me what's my best side, I'll step back and point at you. No matter what happens, you will be lady spooky,  forever and always " , Oscar says as he pulls me into a deep embrace.

" Lady Spooky has a nice ring to it" *Lays head on oscars shoulder*


I hope you enjoy this imagine . im truly sorry for how long it took me to publish this for you. !!!!!!!

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