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Dedicated to Evangelia257

Eva's p.o.v :

Today's the day. Time went by so fast and the days really here. The day I dreaded and the day sad eye was most excited for. The only man I ever loved being deployed for training. I knew he could handle it but I'm not quite sure if I can. But I have to stay strong for my sadeye and our son , I remember the day sad eye said he was accepted into the army.


"Babe come here" sadeye says from the kitchen , I rush into the kitchen and he's standing there holding a giant envelope. " babe I did it , I made it into the army", he pulls me into his arms squeezing me tight. I didn't know how to respond because I was unaware of all of this. " you never told me you were thinking of applying", I say.

" yeah I know , I wanted to surprise you with the news once I was accepted", " I really want to turn over a new leaf , especially with how bad my past was", he says going back to the envelope. We spent the whole after noon going over the papers and information. We finished looking at the papers and started getting ready for bed. Sad eye stopped me and asked if we could talk . " yeah ofc , what's up ", I says curious.

" I know your worried about all of this and me going off to the army, but I promise you I'm going to be okay.", he says connecting our hands." I know but I can't help but think about all the danger out there, that could harm you", I say starting to tear up. " hey look at me , I'm going to be just fine , okay my love and I need you to be strong for me ", he says.

" I'll write to you everyday when I'm gone no matter the circumstance and you'll write back to me" he says. " pinky promise?", I say holding out my pinky. " pinky promise", he says connecting our pinkies

* flashback over *

Now here he stands in front of me , like the many soon to be soldiers around him doing the same with their families. He looked so handsome , and brave . I'm so proud of him and I know he's going to be great.   " he places a kiss on our son mateo's head , tickled his belly.  we share a few kisses and a long embrace , that I never wanted to end.

Before he walked away he said one last thing to me " pinky promise ?", he said holding out his pinky. " pinky promise", I say connecting our pinkies. " I love you so much, and I'll see you when you get back", I say resting my head against his. 

I watched him get on the bus with the other men and I stepped back and watched him get to a seat. Me and the other woman waived our goodbyes , and blew kisses to our loved one and watched as they pulled off onto the road. Now here comes the hardest part, doing everyday without him here.

*3 months later *

I came home from dropping my baby off to daycare and I raced to the mailbox beating the mailman their like I do every day. It became a habit for me, I knew exactly when he was coming and he always had a letter for me from my love. It meant a lot to me that we are keeping our promise and it's one of the only things I look forward to everyday. Our wedding anniversary is coming up in 3 months and I'm so excited to finally have him back and to get to see him.

* 1 month later *

I ran to the mailbox waiting for the mailman to come. He pulled and hopped out. He had a bit of a frown on his face , as if something was wrong." I hate to do this to you ", David says  He put the mail in the box. Usually he puts everything in the mailbox besides the letter,  " hey David !!!, where's the letter of the day", I say trying to cheer up his mood.

" there's no letter , I didn't get one today ", when he said those words I auto magically panicked. I ran inside grabbing my phone and I called sadeye repeatedly . He didn't answer which worried me more, but I called myself and had to remember he's in training , plus one day without a letter would kill me , right ?

* 5 weeks later *

After that day I never received anymore letters from sad eye . I convinced myself to stay strong for our son but now I feel my confidence and calmness slipping away. He'll be home soon and all that time he was gone won't even matter. I'll get to hold him in my arms again. Well celebrate our anniversary together and he'll get to hold our son again. Everything's going to be okay!!!!!

* Time Skip *

Today's the day my love is returns to me. Today is our wedding anniversary & the day he comes home , that's all I've waited so long for . My family will finally be reunited. I called my baby out of daycare and I wasn't worried about anything else but me , him, and our son walking through that door together again. I got us ready and packed up the car. I picked my baby up and we headed to the door. As we opened the door we were greeted by two soldiers.

" excuse me ma'am , are you Jose's wife ", " yes sir I am ", I say . " well ma'am, we regret to I form you that your husband Jose is dead. He died in action protecting is team, he died a hero and will forever be in our hearts", the soldier says bowing his head.

I lost all control of my body and collapsed to the floor holding our son as I screamed and cried out for Jose ( sad eye)

I hope you enjoy Eva !!!!!! PT.2 coming soon!!!!!! Have a great day everyone and stay safe ❤❤

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