|who are they jealous of|

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Ruby, since Mario is always off at college. you spend most of your time with Ruby. You and Ruby are very close, but it's nothing but sibling love.

Cesar, latrelle won't admit it but you see the way his fist curl up when your with Cesar. Latrelle doesn't like you hanging out with Cesar , claiming he's taking you way from him.

Cesar, any time you hang out with the cesar, sadeye is always glaring. If you guys are laughing about something at the same time, he's going to sit between you guys . when you guys are alone sadeye can't help but tell you how angry he gets when you and cesar sit to close together

Monse, jasmine hates when you and monse hang out. Anytime you guys hug, or touch in anyway jasmine will growl under her breath or say something mean. Jasmine questions everything you guys talk about. She doesn't mind Olivia, but there's just something about monse.

Oscar, you and Oscar are very close and talk about everything. Jamal hates leaving you alone with Oscar, no matter how many times you tell him he's like your brother.

Olivia, you and Olivia have alot in common. You guys bond over almost everything. You and Olivia have inside jokes and monse hates it. Anytime you guys hangout, monse questions everything. She barely lets you out of her sight with Olivia

Ruby, you and Ruby have been best friends since you guys were like 5. Ruby is the one who introduced you to the gang. You always have plans with Ruby, and Cesar gets so jealous even if he won't admit it

Cesar, you and Cesar are the same age. You and Cesar hangout all the time, making plans and what not. You and Cesar always make jokes calling eachother "babe", and Oscar can't stand it. Oscar isn't a big fan of admitting he's jealous, so it's definitely a roller coaster ride with him.

Jamal, you and Jamal are always together. You always make plans together. Especially with the whole roller world stuff, you and Jamal are always doing something. Jamal has been there for you when no one else was and vis versa.

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