Chapter 2

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David's loud voice awakened her. His arms were wrapped around her restless body. His eyes were wide and his brows furrowed. But Avery couldn't find the strength to say anything. So instead, she looked into his eyes and silently asked herself the questions she couldn't dare ask him.

She wanted to know why.

"What happened to you?" David touched her forehead. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Avery shook her head. She was fine. She needed to be.

"I'll get you water. Stay in bed for now," he told her.

Saying nothing, Avery stood up and shuffled to the bed. She saw his cell phone on top of his pillow. Silent phone notifications lit up his phone screen. She grabbed the phone. The contact calling was the same person who'd sent him the message. Fifteen missed calls, all from the same caller. She heard footsteps coming near the bedroom door, but there wasn't time to put the phone back. Their eyes locked, and then David focused on the phone in her hand.

"Your phone." Avery reached out the phone to him. "Someone has been calling you fifteen times now."

Avery's eyes never left him, but his eyes looked away. David snatched the phone from her hand. His eyes flickered as his hands started wiping the sweat from his forehead. But he still didn't look at her.

"It's Jonathan. He's been calling me regarding our recent case." David handed her the glass of water. "So take a rest for now, babe. I'll call Jonathan. Stay here. I'll be back."

She just nodded and watched him as he rushed out of their room. The adrenalin and jealousy gave her body the strength to move and run for the door. Quietly, she watched him from the small opening.

His gestures were familiar. Bright smile. Sparkling eyes.

But she knew one thing for sure. They were not for her this time.

Avery was always confident. On top of her class, from elementary to her master's class days. She always received praise for being intelligent and was regarded as one of the most eloquent speakers in the law firm. She knew how to hold an audience of lawyers. She was a quick thinker and a problem solver. But at that exact moment, she felt like nothing. Worthless. Hopeless. Dumb. Numb.

Her mind was overflowing with silent questions. 

What did she do wrong? 

What did she fail to do?

Did she lack something? 

Was she too much?

All the what and whys. Her thoughts made her doubt herself and question her worth.

The sound of approaching footsteps awakened her from her thoughts. Finally, she went to bed and rested against the headboard.

David paced at the end of their bed. He tousled his hair and took a deep breath. "Babe, will you be alright if I meet with Jonathan for an hour or two?" He bit his lower lip. "We badly need to discuss our plan for tomorrow's court hearing."

She looked him in the eye and balled her left hand into a fist.

She wanted to know why he had to lie. "Do you have to meet Jonathan at this hour?" She cleared her throat. Where are you going? "Can't you guys just meet early tomorrow instead?"

David stretched his neck, avoiding her gaze. "You know how Jonathan is, babe. He wouldn't stop calling and texting unless I met up with him. A nervous wreck and a workaholic rolled into one!"

Who was he really meeting?  All she could say was, "Okay."

Avery was still in disbelief. The David lying to her face now was the same who promised her forever. The David she thought for an angel had turned into a lying monster before her. But she was too weak and so afraid. Too weak to confront him and so scared to get an answer she might not want to hear.

"I have to go, babe! I'll try to be back as soon as I can."

Like in a dream, everything floated and blurred. But, Avery realized David had already left after hearing his car revving away from the garage.

Her mouth opened, but no sound could come out. What was happening? It was just six months after they got engaged. They'd confirmed a schedule to meet with the wedding planner only yesterday. She stood fast, took her phone, searched her contacts, and pressed the call button. 

"Jonathan speaking."

"Hey, Jonathan! It's Avery." Her voice croaked. "I want to ask what case you and David scheduled for tomorrow?" 

"Ave! We don't have any cases right now. The last time we worked together was before your engagement. I wished we had a case together. Working on a case with your man is much easier."

"Oh! I know!" A lump formed in her throat. "How's Izzy and the kids?"

"Well, Izzy is with her mom in the province. I'm on leave for three days babysitting. Daddy duties!"

"Sorry to have bothered you, Jonathan! Kiss the kids for me and tell Izzy I said hi."

"I will. Send my regards to your man! Goodnight!"

"Goodnight, Jonathan!"

Avery leaned back against the bed and gave in to the silent tears that cascaded down her face and onto the bed sheets. Everything in her body ached. Her heart pierced and broke into a million pieces. Her imagination was running wild. David was driving fast, excited to meet his "Jonathan." An image came into her mind of their engagement picture. She couldn't help but remember that day as she held the heart-shaped frame. Her heart was full of happiness and love. They both looked so in love. Their eyes sparkled. David was holding her hand, showing the engagement ring, an heirloom passed down from his grandmother to his mother and David for her.

"You said you love me!" She shouted, her heart out.

"You promised me forever!" She yelled like there was no tomorrow.

"You said you want to spend the rest of your life with me!" She cried aloud until she couldn't take it anymore.

She threw the picture frame with all the strength left in her, and the glass shattered around her. 

Between sniffles and heavy breathing, she pressed 1 on her phone. "Hello, are you at Jonathan's already?"

"Hey, babe. Yeah, I'm here now. Izzy says hi!"

Avery pressed her chest and bit her lower lip. "Okay, I just want to make sure you arrived safely."

"Don't wait for me, babe. It might take longer than I thought. Sleep well. Goodnight, babe!"


That night, David gave her another first. The first time in their relationship that she cried herself to sleep. The first time she slept alone in their bed, her heart broke into a million pieces, like the shattered glass on the floor.



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