Chapter 41

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"SOMETIMES, FOR SOME PEOPLE, It takes ten years to get that one year that will change their lives. So don't let this chance pass. Your swift feeling with Ethan might be forever for you."

Avery watched as her best friend slept beside her. Could Shelly be right?

Though Shelly's personality always brought entertainment to any occasion, she was also the wisest she'd known, aside from her dad. Since they were little, she had always admired how Shelly looked at things—my do-or-die. In the past months, she had been living up to being her protector, Shelly.

Her best friend kept her on her toes when it came to Ethan. She'd been her devil's advocate, the one who'd been vetting Mr.Hotshot since the day she told her about him. It had just been a few months since she'd moved, but many things had already happened.

Avery sighed. Who would have thought Florida would also live up to its name? It had been giving her only sunshine in the past few months and some rainbows, too. She could say that it brought her some new people, special ones, like the man who had never left her mind since that day in the park. In record time, one extraordinary man had given her hope again. How could this be possible? She couldn't help but ask herself this repeatedly.

She'd moved away to forget and begin again. It seemed Ethan and Ella had been doing a good job helping her. She realized it was not the people she had started forgetting but the pain. When she mentioned David to Shelly, she didn't feel the same heaviness and hurt. She even laughed when her best friend poked fun at David.

Did that mean she was moving on?

"What the hell, Ave? It's 2 AM. Why are you not sleeping? Go to sleep and dream in your sleep. We call daydreaming, daydreaming for a freaking reason!" Shelly blasted in her ear before going back to sleep.

Realizing the time, she yawned and dozed off as she awaited Ethan's call. She felt excited to hear the voice of the man who'd been causing everything new and impossible in her heart and mind for a few months.


It had been unbelievable, but extraordinary months had passed since the day after Ella's birthday. It was the day Ethan fulfilled his promise of having the important talk with Avery. Though he was busy coming back and forth between Minnesota and Florida, they formed a dynamic. Ella and Avery spent more time together, especially when Ethan was in his office in Rochester. They'd been a familiar presence in each other's families.

It had been the absolute best for Avery. Finally, she found an extended family in the loving company of Doctor Stella, Ella, and Ethan. She wouldn't forget the moment they sat and talked to each other about their lives. She still couldn't believe it had been five months since they had that talk. But she didn't tire of remembering what Ethan had said and done. 

"I meant it when I told you I felt this powerful connection between us, a special feeling toward you whenever I'm around you. And I know you feel it too." Ethan held her hand as they walked towards the park bench, where they first saw each other.

She couldn't refute what he said. Just him holding her hand made Avery feel the intense somersault of emotions in her chest that felt like exploding any minute. When they sat on the bench, Ethan faced her to caress her cheek to the corners of her lips. She couldn't help but close her eyes. She wanted to ensure what she felt wasn't just admiration for the gorgeous face with undeniable hot charms in front of her.

When Avery felt Ethan's soft lips gently touch hers, she lost it. She realized Shelly was right. There was no need to explain or make sense of it. Why give herself a hard time looking for a reason or counting the hours, days, or months since she'd ended things with David? Shouldn't she be thankful that after everything she'd been through, she got the once-in-a-lifetime second chance with Ethan?

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